Points of connection 连接点
A personal story…个人故事.
A living metaphor.活隐喻.
A helpful model.有益的模型
Love 爱心
Welcome people with God’s love以 神的爱去接纳别人
Listen, listen, listen, listen学会倾听、倾听、倾听、倾听.
Be affected by their story, their suffering, their struggle. 受感于他们的经历、遭遇、争战.
Know 了解
Gather data moving toward the heart.了解其人、进入其心.
Title 应用于要在此处显示的文字。
Speak 讲述
Discuss and declare God’s agenda for their particular issues, struggles, sins.
讨论并诉说 神对他们存在的问题、争战与罪孽的计划.
Do 行动 Develop a wise practical strategy for growth, change and implementing God’s agenda.
为他们成长、改变及 神对他们计划的执行制定一个明智、可行的方案.
Think about this 想一想
Use these questions to help illuminate the heart as the root of behavior.
Situation: What was going on? 情境:到底是怎么回事?
Interpretation: What were you thinking?
Behavior: What did you do in response? 表现:你又作如何反应的?
Motivation: Why did you do it? What did you want? 动机:你为何做这事?你想得 到什么?
Consequence: What was the result? 影响:有何结果?
Evaluation: What does the Bible say this? 评价:圣经对此会作何说明、评价?
Transformation: 改变:
What must I change in my heart? How? 我们内心必须作何改变?如何改变?
What must I change in my behavior? How? 我们行为必须作何改变?如何 改变?
Points of connection 连接点
A personal story. 个人故事.
Drawing out the purposes of the heart. 汲引内心的谋略
Proverbs 20:5 – The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.
箴 20:5——人心怀藏谋略,好像深水。惟明哲人,才能汲引出来。
Heart Exposing Questions 揭露内心的问题:
Heart-revealing Questions: (Look for themes and patterns): The Scriptures give us many windows into the heart and what functionally rules it. Here are a few examples. These questions are meant to help you examine your personal heart themes of thought, motive and desire so that you will begin to acknowledge the true treasures of your hearts and how those treasures have shaped the way you have responded to God, others and the situations of life.
揭示内心的问题:(寻找主题与模式):圣经中给我们很多了解我们内心的窗口,并从 功能上去掌管我们的内心。这里有些例子可以帮助你省察自己的内心——所思、所要、 所想的,这样你就可以明确自己心中真正所爱,以及它们是如何造就你回应上帝、他人 和自己的。
When do you tend to experience fear, worry or anxiety (Matthew 6:19-34)?
你何时易于恐惧、忧虑、焦虑(太 6:19-34)?
Where have you struggled with disappointment (Proverbs 13:12,19)?
你在何处与绝望争战(箴 13:12,19)?
What are the situations in which you struggle with anger (James 4:1,2; Proverbs 11:23)?
你在何种情形下恼怒(雅 4:1,2;箴 11:23)?
Where do you encounter problems in relationships (James 4:1-10)?
人际关系之中,你在何处遇到难题(雅 4:1-10)?
Title 应用于要在此处显示的文字。
What are the situations of life that you have found particularly difficult (1 Corinthians 10:13-14)?
何为你所遇到的极为艰难的境地(林前 10:13-14)?
Where are your patterns of avoidance? What things do you regularly seek to avoid?
Where have you experienced regular problems in your spiritual life or in your relationship with God (Psalm 73)?
在你属灵生活及与 神的关系上,你在哪方面经历这些经常性的问题(诗 73)?
Where or when have you tended to doubt the truths of Scripture (Romans 1:25)?
你在何时、何处易于怀疑圣经的真理(罗 1:25)?
What is your true agenda for others? What is your definition of a good relationship? What are your expectations for others? What silent demands do you make of the people around you (James 4:1-2)?
你对别人真正的计划是什么?你如何定义美好关系?你对别人有什么期望?你对周 围人有何不必言传的要求(雅 4:1-2)?
Where in your life have you struggled with bitterness (Ephesians 4:31; Proverbs 18:19)?
你在生活中的哪些方面与苦毒争战过(弗 4:31;箴 18:19)?
Where in your life have you struggled with regret, with being tempted to say, “If only…”?
In what experiences in the past do you struggle with letting go? 你过去在哪方面的经历与放下争战?
When do you tend to experience problems in your prayer and personal worship (James 4:3-4)? 在你祈祷与个人敬拜当中,你在何时易于历经困难(雅 4:3-4)?
Where have you tended to struggle with envying others? What have you tended to covet (Proverbs 14:30)?
你在哪些方面容易与嫉妒争战?你容易贪恋什么(箴 14:30)?
Questions for Sufferers 针对受害者的问题
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 林后 12:9-10 9 But he said to me, “My grace Biblicis sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
9 他对我说,我的恩典够你用的。因为我的能力,是在人的软弱上显得完全。 所以我更喜欢夸自己的软弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。10 我为基督的缘故, 就以软弱,凌辱,急难,逼迫,困苦,为可喜乐的。因我什么时候软弱,什 么时候就刚强了。
Are you listening to God in His Word? 你听从 神的话吗?/你在 神的话中顺服祂吗?
Do you believe God’s enabling grace is enough for your issue, trial, pain, etc.?
你相信 神的恩典对你的问题、磨练、痛苦等是够用的吗?
Do you believe that God’s power is more visible and viable when you are the weakest?
你相信 神的大能在你最软弱之时越显可见、可行吗?
What do you boast, glory, value, treasure – your “best” or your “weakness.”
Will you be depend on God so that you will receive the power of God?
你会依靠 神,接受从 神那里来的能力吗?
Will you be content in the hardship regardless? 你会在无谓的困苦中知足吗?
Are you willing to accept hardship is not only corrective, but also as preventative?