月度归档: <span>2023 年 8 月</span>



音频 三分钟







你也正在面对生命当中的两个不同的声音吗?我非要这样不可,神说不要。接下来是我们的选择,容许我恭恭敬敬的对你说,不管你做任何一个选择,我们都要承担后果。感谢神 ! 奉主蒙恩 ! 阿们 !



音频 三分

「因为这是我立约的血,为多人流出来,使罪得赦。」【太26: 28



诗人说:祂何等佳美! 不排斥任何人。愿意的人可以到耶稣这里来白白取生命的水喝。对刚硬拒绝的人感到非常遗憾! 主耶稣已经打开了监狱的门,现在借着的仆人到你这里来,请你走出来。


不管你对的道路有什么成见,只要神是可信的,你会发现的道是安乐, 的路全是平安。你将会一生平安有喜乐跟随,也会在的道路上经历到神无限丰盛的恩典。





因耶和华的烈怒,你们必为自己的土产羞愧。他们所种的是风,所收的是暴风;所种的不成禾稼,就是发苗也不结实,即便结实,外邦人必吞吃。我们必须明白基督立约的血为多人流出来使罪得赦,我肯定要归回基督里,方可享用基督丰盛的复活生命。感谢神 ! 奉主蒙恩 ! 阿们 !



音频 三分钟

「节期的末日,就是最大之日,耶稣站着高声说:『人若渴了,可以到我这里来喝。」【约7: 37


人生命中所得到的成就与享受,都有其「末日」- 拥有的财富、健康、事业、美满婚姻,都会有终结的一天;所以别完全浸沉在世界上短暂的享受中,而忽略了到主面前那永恒的国度里。



我们必须望断主之外的一切俗世繁华,才会转眼专一注目主自己。我们每次来到主面前,应当打开自己的心房,好好的享用祂的话语。耶稣基督就是生命的活泉,到祂那里就永远不渴也是生命的糧,到祂那里也永远不餓 ! 


现在主耶稣张开双手要迎接受你。弟兄姐妹欢迎你到主这里来;一同认识主声音,一同享用主宴席。教会兴旺时,听到的声音就欢喜快乐:“我良人的声音”。何等的善、何等的美。感谢神 ! 奉主蒙恩 ! 阿们 ! 



 Listen for 11 min

“Where are the nine?” Pastor Xiaofeng

Scripture: Luke 17:11 Jesus went to Jerusalem, passing through Samaria and Galilee. 【Luke 17:12】 Entering a village, ten maniacs of marijuana came towards them, standing far away. Luke 17:13 Say aloud, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. Luke 17:14 When Jesus saw it, he said to them, Go and show your body to the priests. They were clean when they went. Luke 17:15 One of them, seeing that he was well, returned to glory and God with a loud voice. Luke 17:16 And he fell at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. This man was a Samaritan. 【Luke 17:17】 Jesus said, Isn’t it ten who are cleansed? Where are the nine? Luke 17:18 Except this foreigner, will no one return to glory and God? Luke 17:19 And say to the man, Get up and go. Your letter saved you.Preface:Last week’s passage speaks of the office and duty of Christ’s servant, the incomparable grace to be a servant of Christ, the obedience to all commands of Christ is due, and obedience is not merit but duty and glory. It is not that God is harsh on us, ignoring our needs, only allowing us to sacrifice and consume our lives, but it is the love of Christ urging us to keep running, giving us more grace and power, joy and satisfaction in the process of service, and it is in this process that He Himself builds us up and makes our lives more abundant.Therefore, no one ever gave it to God first and God will pay it back to Him later (Rom 11:35), and it is always God who gives grace first, then grace, and then grace, grace. Today’s passage addresses the most basic duties of those who receive grace and God’s willingness to give greater, unexpected grace.Ten cannabis patientsIn this story, Luke first states the time and place of the event, or more precisely the context in which it occurred. This occurred on Jesus’ way to Jerusalem and indicates that Jesus was marching toward God’s time of passion. This reminds us that the signs and wonders that Jesus performed along the way all happened in the process toward this goal, and were for this goal. This is when John the Baptist had doubts in his heart and asked the Lord Jesus, “Is it you who is going to be?” Or do we wait for someone else? (Matthew 11:3), the Lord’s answer to him: “Go and tell John what you have heard and seen; That is, the blind see, the lame walk, the cleansing of the wind, the deaf see, the dead are raised, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. Blessed is anyone who does not fall because of me” (Matthew 11:4-6). Even, the renunciation of Jesus by the grace of nine Jews here already implies the rejection of the Messiah by the Jews in Jerusalem.“Passing through Samaria and Galilee, into a village”And specifically indicate the peculiarities of this place, at the junction of Samaria and Galilee. Galilee, though despised by Jerusalem, belonged to the Jewish zone, and Samaria was completely condemned and rejected by Jerusalem because of its historical blood and faith mixed with Gentile paganism, and the Jews hated them even more than other Gentiles.Although the Jews regarded the Samaritans as impure in their faith, the Samaritans regarded the Torah as their canon, so those who were despised and despised were treated according to the laws and regulations of Leviticus. Lepers are to live in isolation, and they themselves “shall be torn apart and unkempt, covering their lips, and crying out, Unclean, unclean.” He is unclean in the days when plague is upon him, and since he is unclean, he will live alone outside the camp” (Lev. 13:45-46).As a result of their common suffering, the Jewish lepers and the Samaritans lived in a village (this so-called village may have been a quarantine colony specially prepared for lepers). Jews and Samaritans are far from each other, and those who are separated by them live together because of their isolation. Of course, they were forced to live in the same village (which is unlikely under normal circumstances), or they may still keep their distance from each other in their daily lives. But at the very least, being isolated by their own ethnic groups has in a sense allowed them to break through some of the barriers between their original ethnic groups. When the world is far from them, some kind of bondage of the world on them is also far from them. So much so that they could come together as a group of ten to seek Jesus. If suffering can awaken people from sin, break through some of the constraints of sin, and make people seek God, then suffering has meaning. But what pains God is that sinners, often when the pain is relieved, often slip into sin again and suffer a lot in vain. So what really keeps them away from each other is their distance from God, and what really brings people closer to each other is our closeness to God.“There are ten long cannabis winds coming on”The Lord Jesus came specifically for them so they could face Jesus. Although the village is isolated, it is not completely isolated, and the basic supplies of life still need to be sent by family and friends from the surrounding villages. Apparently, these ten cannabis patients somehow heard some things about Jesus, such as the signs and wonders that Jesus performed, many speculations and rumors about Jesus’ identity, and so on. So when they heard that Jesus had come to this village, they seized the opportunity and came to meet Jesus. Although they did not dare to get too close according to the rules of the law, only “stood far away,” they “cried out, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” Their courage to come to Jesus, their deepest desire for healing, and even in some ways, their daring to act and cry out through hearsay is already an expression of faith.Since it is a village, there may be more than these ten lepers. If there are other people, but only these ten lepers come to meet Jesus, it shows that the rest of the people are completely desperate in their hearts, and they have little hope for their own lives or healing. They also heard about Jesus’ fame and deeds, but it touched them little and expected nothing from Jesus. They were so dead in their hearts that they didn’t even have the slightest idea of getting up and trying to get a chance if they could be healed. And these ten people, regardless of their heart’s desires and thoughts, can come to Jesus to show that they have not given up on their lives, and they still have longing; The rest, though alive, are already dead. As long as there is still the breath of life, a little power to act, and a slight possibility, it means that God’s grace is still there, then we should seize any possible opportunity to seek help to solve those problems in our lives that we cannot do anything about.For Christians, never despair as long as your God is still there. Even if you look at yourself and the environment, there is no possibility of rational judgment of many things, and there is no hope in your feelings, but as long as you still believe in your heart that God is real and He is willing to help us, then you should have hope and persevere. God may not solve problems when and how we expect, but God can solve them, and God’s solutions are better than we hope. Christians should have greater courage and faith than these ten lepers to ask the Lord Jesus for His grace to heal our weaknesses and sickness.“Go, show the body to the priests”Usually, after the miracles that healed the sick with marijuana, the Lord Jesus commanded them to “go and examine their bodies to the priests and offer the gifts that Moses commanded to testify to the people” (Matthew 8:4). But this time Jesus’ healing of these ten lepers was very different from the previous healing of lepers. For example, all three books of the Synoptic Gospels record, “A man with a long wind came to worship Him and said, If the Lord wills, he will make me clean.” Jesus reached out and touched him and said, I will, you are clean. His cannabis wind is immediately cleansed” (Matthew 2-3, Mark 1 40-43, Luke 5:12-13). This time Jesus did not touch them or promise to heal, but requested for them to show their bodies to the priests.This can be seen as a challenge to their level of confidence. When Jesus said this, he was already giving a promise of healing. The Lord Jesus was well aware of Leviticus’ rules of etiquette for returning to the community after a leper’s purification, and that only before being cleansed could he go to the priests for examination. If the Lord Jesus did not give the grace of healing, but asked them to show their bodies to the priests, and the priests saw that they were still marijuana, was this not deceiving and teasing them? Therefore, since he sent these ten people directly to the priest, the implicit meaning was that he had already healed you, but you have not seen it yet, and you do not know exactly when you will have to heal, either at the beginning of the departure, or when the high priest is coming, but this grace has already been given.They begged, and Jesus answered. Now is the time for them to respond to Jesus’ words. But they have not seen their bodies healed at this moment, they have not seen it with their own eyes at this moment! But they heard the order to go to the priests. According to the law, after purification, you can go; Now, only the word of Jesus, which has not yet been cleansed, has been asked to go. The tension in this order is a great challenge to confidence. The response in an ideal state of faith is that these people have the confidence that “I have not seen it now, but I believe that I have already attained it” (Mark 11:24), then the person can naturally go to the priest with a body still covered in marijuana. When he walked to the priest, he probably thought to himself, Maybe I will be healed as soon as I lift my foot? Maybe I’m halfway through the healing moment? I don’t know exactly when, but since Jesus said, let me go, then He must have cleansed me at some point before the priests saw me. The response in the second stage of faith is that the person may be thinking, “Is this man named Jesus reliable?” nor pray for us, nor declare that I am healed; Instead of letting me see the healing, he asked me to go to the priest, hey, let the dead horse be a living horse doctor, since he said, I’ll give it a try, what if it’s just halfway? ”。 This latter state of mind, we feel that this cannot be called confidence, at most it is called helplessness under desire; None of this can be called submission, at most an attempt. But because they are faced with such desires and attempts from the Son of the Living God, this half-belief can also be seen as a kind of faith, and obedience with doubts in the heart is also obedience. The mental state of these ten people is likely to be this latter one.“They were clean when they went”Regardless of the mentality and thoughts inside them, after all, they really went. They also really had the fruits of their obedience. Luke’s account does not specify exactly at what moment the miracle of healing befell them. It may be that they are healed halfway, or they may find out that they are healed when they are about to reach the priests and the more they are healed, the greater the challenge to their faith. But from Luke’s context, it is very likely that they were healed not when they were about to see the priests, but that they were healed as soon as they left the village.It was such a “weak” and half-believing faith that caused them to experience incredible miracles in their lives! God is a generous God! This scene should be a momentous moment in their hearts and worth telling everyone they see. Because for a cannabis patient, their biggest dream in life is to be healed and return to a normal life. At this moment, their life dream has come true because of meeting Jesus. It was just an unrealistic expectation in a dream, but it came true. Their hearts at this moment may be in shock, ecstasy, or helpless gaffes, crying, we don’t know how they feel and behave at this time, if someone has experienced that kind of desperate life, experienced that kind of expectation but knows that there is no possibility, what happened, may be able to experience one or two.After being healed, what do they do next? Although the story is a major miraculous event, Luke’s pen seems to be deliberately downplaying the color of signs and wonders, and there is only one sentence for this extremely important event that happened to these ten men, “They were cleansed when they went.” I think it’s likely that Luke was there to highlight subsequent twists in the story; The twist that follows is the peak of this story.Only one came back to thank GodThese ten found themselves cleansed and healed. Then they split into two teams, and the nine men continued “according to what Jesus had commanded” to go to the priests. One man, however, “did not obey Jesus’ command” and went to the priests, but returned to Jesus. Cannabis patients were not only isolated from the crowd in the Old Testament law, but if they were healed, they could not return to the community on their own, but they needed to go to the priest first, have the priest check it, isolate them in the camp for another seven days (presumably seven more days of observation), and undergo a very complicated sacrificial ritual to bring them back into the congregation.“One of the people inside saw that he was well and came back”90% chose to go to the priests, and only one chose to come to Jesus. The man’s reaction seemed to be a minority and unusual. From the self-centeredness of human nature, the good things that have been dreamed of have happened, the great miracle has been performed on themselves, and in ecstasy, they hurry up to complete the rest of the procedures, the sooner they return to the family and normal society, the better, and everything else can be put aside first, lest if something happens in the middle, it is not good that the good life that they seem to have been within their reach slips away from their hands. The moment when years of pain are about to be lifted and incomparable expectations are about to be fulfilled can be tense and frightening, and all their hearts are already devoted to this matter, or filled and overwhelmed by this event. Jesus? Let’s wait until the normal life we have so much hoped for is really implemented.But from the conscience that remains in human nature, after seeing such a great healing miracle that happened to him, didn’t he immediately think of thanking God and expressing gratitude to the Jesus who let them go to the priesthood? But only one out of ten was such a reaction. When he saw the grace of healing, he did not go to the priest first but immediately returned to Jesus. For the other nine people, the most important thing after being healed was to go to the priests to return to normal life, and to thank Jesus was not a priority. For this person, it is most important to find Jesus first after receiving grace, and then how other things will proceed. Most likely, the Samaritan knew that if he followed the rules of the law, it would be at least seven days after seeing Jesus again, and that would have to be the first time he could find Jesus after seven days of quarantine. Therefore, the person’s reaction is a normal one, having been healed, and it is okay to go to the priest to check at any time, but it is not always possible to ask Jesus to express thanksgiving, as the Lord Jesus said, “For there are always poor people with you, and you can do good to them at any time, but you do not always have me” (Mark 14:7).This may be the choice we face when we meet Jesus today and receive grace, is it the first choice to enjoy life after receiving grace in this world, or the first choice to come back to Jesus first to express gratitude? Do we put the gracious God first, or do we put the grace of God first?“Fall at Jesus’ feet and thank Him”Luke records that this man “saw that he was well and returned to glorify God with a loud voice, and he fell at Jesus’ feet to thank Him.” The juxtaposition of glory and God and prostrate at Jesus’ feet to thank Him makes it clear that this man worshipped Jesus as God.The man apparently realized that it was God’s glory that appeared to him through Jesus. If he had been familiar with the Old Testament Law and knew that healing the cannabis wind was one of the hallmarks of the coming ministry of the Messiah, it is likely that he had already begun to think and had faith that Jesus was the Messiah under the guidance and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit is mysterious, but not completely incomprehensible. The knowledge of the laws of the past, the thirst for God’s thoughts, the miraculous healing grace he received today, and the thanksgiving of the Holy Spirit in his heart led to not only the miraculous grace of healing his body but also the greater grace of awakening of his heart. In this sense, his return to bow down to Jesus and express his gratitude is a manifestation of God’s greater grace in him, not only as an expression of his gratitude for Jesus’ previous healing grace but also as an expression of God’s kindness to him.And from the normal rationality of a person, if a person has spiritual knowledge and actual grace comes, but does not come to seek God, the person’s sin cannot be blamed. Just as soon after the birth of the Lord Jesus, three doctors from the East came to worship Him, but it is not known in which city, the Jewish chief priests and folk scribes very skillfully, professionally, and definitively quoted the Old Testament prophets as telling them in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:5-6) in Judah. What is amazing is not their mastery of the law, but that they are done with what they say! They disregard God’s grace on two levels, one Old Testament Law and two Eastern Three Doctors. They knew that God had given them the prophecy of the Messiah and that God had sent Gentiles from the Far East to remind them that the Messiah had come. But they felt that the matter had nothing to do with them, and they were less concerned about the coming of the Messiah than Herod. Even if they had the mentality that if the Messiah was really born in Bethlehem, they would not finish and leave. They did not have the slightest search and hope for the Messiah in their hearts. They studied the law solely to satisfy their belly and vanity. The law is pure knowledge for them, touching their hearts and lives in the slightest, and they do nothing for what they know and see. The Holy Spirit no longer gives such a heart more grace.“Where are the nine?”Seeing that one man had returned to express his thanksgiving, the Lord Jesus sent out a triptych of questions, “Aren’t there ten cleansed?” Where are the nine? Except for this foreigner, is no one else returning to glory and God? These three questions may not be directed at the person who has returned, but primarily to the disciples. To stimulate the disciples’ thinking about this. This is not an ordinary thing, this is of course a miracle that the cannabis wind was healed, but the grace of miracles is not the focus of this matter, and two questions should be considered, ten people have received the same grace, and only one person has returned to give thanks. Having received such great grace, gratitude is only one-tenth. Lack of gratitude is not just the nine Jews here, it is a common characteristic of sinners in this world, and even it is the normal state of life in Christians (of course, it is an abnormal state of life). Compared to God’s grace, our gratitude is grossly disproportionate, and perhaps the ratio of grace to gratitude is far less than one-tenth for many people. We have so little gratitude that it seems that if we only have to verbally express a little gratitude to God, God has already received what He deserves, and we have given us a reward equivalent to God’s grace, and we are clear with God, and no one owes anyone.

Or do you still feel that I am thankful and do not continue to give me more grace? Just like a criminal person will say I apologize for everything, what else do you want, as if apology can offset the consequences of the crime. Therefore, “God blocks the proud and gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). Paul also says of those who have defied God’s grace, those who have received more grace but despise the grace they have received, and who treat God’s grace as normal, even abandoned, and God allows them to remain in their delusion and ignorance, Paul also says of these people: “For though they know God, they do not glorify Him as God and do not thank Him.” Their thoughts become illusory, and their ignorant hearts are dimmed. To claim to be wise is to be foolish” (Romans 1:21-22).The nine who abandoned Jesus turned out to be Jews, but the one who returned to give thanks was a Samaritan, who was despised by the Jews. Luke specifically stated that the only person who returned to give thanks “was the Samaritan.” This is characteristic of Luke’s gospel account, which is to pay special attention to those who are despised, oppressed, marginalized, and oppressed, and the Samaritan is mentioned as people who are particularly discriminated against and excluded by the Jews. But this man, whom the Jews despised and looked down upon, did better and more pleasing to God than the Jews who thought they were more godly and knew God better. This was a big stimulus for Jews. In the fallen world, people pay more attention to those who have power, and wealth and power, people pay more attention those who are good-looking, knowledgeable, and capable, and people consciously or unconsciously despise and ignore those who have little, and regard them as the bottom and the edge; Because people measure the importance of a person by how much they have. But it is usually more difficult for people who have a lot of worldly things to rely on God.

Thus, in Luke’s writing, God is the God who cares for the widows and the sojourners, the poor, the miserable, and the miserable. This is not God’s injustice, for no one is worthy of God’s grace, as Jehovah God once said to Moses, “I will be gracious to whoever I want, and I will have mercy on whomever I want” (Exod. 33:19). His wisdom and goodness are greater than we can understand, as the apostle Paul later said, “Brethren, it is evident that you are not many wise according to the flesh, not many powerful, and not many honorable.” But God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise. And he chose the weak of the world and put the strong to shame. God also chose the lowly, the desolate, and the non-existent to abolish the lowly, the despised, and the nothing. so that no one of flesh and blood can boast before God” (1 Corinthians 1:26-29).The word “foreigner” used by the Lord Jesus to refer to this Samaritan, which appears only in this verse in the New Testament, is said to have been used on a stone tablet at the entrance to the inner courtyard of the temple in Jerusalem, which reads, “If a Gentile enters, he will die.” The Samaritans were not eligible to enter the temple to worship God, and only Jews were allowed to enter the inner court. The Jews were proud of this, and they considered themselves chosen children to be more pleasing to God than others, so many of them entered the temple with pride, self-righteousness, and pride, especially the Pharisees (Lk 18:11). But the Jews, faced with the Messiah, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the “tabernacle” of the true God appearing in the world, did not come to worship, but instead Samaritans who could not enter the temple came to worship and bow down in thanksgiving. This reminds us not only of what the Lord Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, “Woman, believe in me, and the time will come, and you will worship the Father, neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.”  The time has come and now is for those who truly worship the Father to worship Him in spirit and in truth, for the Father wants such people to worship Him” (John 4:21, 23). Obviously, whoever worships God in Christ worships in spirit and truth, and is a true worship of God. Christ is the manifestation of the kingdom of God in this last age, and anyone who recognizes Christ in his heart and welcomes Christ in his heart is in the kingdom of God (Lk 17:21).This nine-to-one comparison may also imply that the Lord Jesus fulfilled what he said to the Galileans who rejected Him, that is, the prophets were not respected in their own homeland, so “at the time of the prophet Elisha, there were many madmen in Israel; But none of them are cleansed except Naman, the kingdom of Syria” (Lk 4:27). Now it’s happening again.Your letter saved youMiracles do not turn people to JesusSeeing that only this one person came back to thank Jesus, we see again that signs and wonders do not lead to repentance. The previous method of evangelizing Abraham by the rich man who was suffering in hell in the story of Lazarus the Beggar was to convince people with signs and wonders, and this is what sinners considered the most powerful method, as the apostle Paul said, “The Jews wanted miracles, and the Greeks sought wisdom” (1 Corinthians 1:11). But signs and wonders can only make people prostrate themselves on the surface, and they do not make people truly obey and worship God from the heart. The visible grace exerted on the sinner does not turn the sinner’s heart, such as air, water, food, affection, order, and so on, especially the air and water food is much more precious than the healing of the disease from a certain point of view, because without air you can’t even live, if you are sick, you can at least live, but all these graces that people have received do not make the sinner feel thankful and turn their hearts to God, but the sinner feels that all this is what we deserve. Without thanksgiving for the grace that already exists, even the grace of miracle healing does not make sinners truly thankful. It can be seen that the numbness of the heart cannot be restored by externally visible grace and the poverty, hardness, and necrosis of the heart must be healed by a more transcendent spiritual grace.But in this story, the power of signs and wonders does not even do the external prostration, and these nine people who have received God’s miracle healing grace have not even returned to thank Jesus, they have received the greatest grace in their lives other than creation, which is a life-saving grace from this world. They were finally able to return to their normal lives, and they were immediately filled with the joy of healing grace, they immediately left the gracious Jesus who had treated them behind. They regard living a normal life as their highest ideal in life; In their sight, having received such great healing grace, I had nothing to ask for, and Jesus could not give me anything more. As for whether or not to thank Him, I think they didn’t think about it, but they didn’t put it in an important place. They may feel that there are too many things more important than coming back to this Jesus of Nazareth, they have too many people and things to love, and Jesus who graces them to save them is not at the forefront. By the time they wanted to come back and look for Jesus a few days later, Jesus had already left the village. They may say with great regret, Hey, it’s a little late, people have already left, let’s look for opportunities later. When God condemns them in the future, they can’t say I went back to find them, but Jesus has already left. Was Jesus going to stay here just waiting for them to express their thanks? For them to express their gratitude, do they have to be at the right time?The healing grace of cannabis can only bring them out of quarantine to normal society in a fallen world, but it cannot bring them from a sinful world back to God’s kingdom and to Jesus. They did receive great grace, but the way they responded to grace caused them to miss the greatest opportunity for grace in their lives.“Your letter saved you”The goal of signs and wonders is not simply to heal our mortal body, for healing is followed by death; So, the goal of signs and wonders is to make people think through the healing of the body, Who is this miracle, Jesus? The desire to be physically healed or to have many of the difficulties of this world resolved into the power of knowing and trusting Jesus is what miracles are all about.We can divide the faith in this story into three levels, the first level is the faith of these ten marijuana patients who greet Jesus and cry out for mercy, the second level is the confidence that these ten people will do it after hearing Jesus’ words, and the third level is the faith that the person rushed back to glory to God as soon as he was healed and bowed down to thank Jesus. The first two faiths are shared by ten people, and these two beliefs are not so much faith as a strong desire for the body to be healed, in fact, it is not an attempt to give much hope, in case it will do! When this desire met Jesus, God truly gave them the grace of healing out of His mercy and generosity. There is a third type of faith that only this Samaritan has. The preciousness of the third type of faith is that it goes beyond the desire for physical healing and rises to the level of longing to know Jesus and be close to Him.This faith can lead to a healing that is more precious than physical healing, that is, the salvation of the soul. When the Samaritan returned to Jesus, a sign and miracle more important than the cleansing of the marijuana occurred again, and God gave him the grace of justification throughout his life and the resurrection of his soul. The miracle of marijuana wind being healed was already undeserving, incredible grace, and what the Samaritan did not expect was that an even greater and more precious grace would come to him again.The inner world of the other nine may be: I just want to heal, and I don’t care where this healing comes from. This man’s heart is: I have been healed, who gave this healing? Is it a desire for miracles? Or a God who longs for miracles? This is the type of confidence that is fundamentally different. Which is more important, a miracle or a God who performs miracles? Healing is grace and power, grace and power, and God who gives grace and power, which is more desired by us? The value orientation of this world is to focus more on ability than on people, and the more you have, the more people pay attention and respect to you, and vice versa. In fact, people do not pay attention to you, but to themselves, because what you have may be useful to me, and the worst of your ability should not harm me, so I treat you very seriously. This is why Jesus does not commit Himself to Jesus in the Gospels, even though many people come to embrace Jesus because He knows that many people do not desire God, but come to eat bread. People don’t care about God and therefore don’t care about the condition and whereabouts of their souls. They were healed, but they were far from Jesus, and this is what is the so-called buying and returning beads. In fact, the opportunity to meet Jesus is the greatest blessing of a person’s life, just as many people today hear the gospel. Knowing who Jesus is and following Him is the more important thing than meeting Jesus in this life, and the greatest gift and most precious gift from God is not the healing of sickness, wealth, and peace, but Jesus Himself, as the psalmist says, “My good is not outside of you” (Psalm 16:2). What matters is not freedom from disease, but freedom from sin and death.This man’s seeking, thanksgiving, and worship of Jesus is an expression of his faith, a faith that saves not only the soul but also the body from eternal death, not temporary sickness. The salvation of the whole person is the goal of Christ to perform signs and wonders, heal the sick, and cast out demons.“Get up, let’s go”God does not disregard the basic needs of man or deny us our duty to our families, but He wants people to be able to prioritize, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). Therefore, seeing this Samaritan who had returned to bow down in thanksgiving, the Lord Jesus told him, “Get up and go.” It is to tell this person that you can come back for the first time to express your gratitude to God and thank you for Jesus has been pleasing to God, and God has given you a greater grace, which is to know Christ. Later, the priesthood inspection and family meetings can be carried out. God has never been stingy and harsh, and sinners are often ungrateful and ungrateful.epilogueThe Lord Jesus said, “Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14), and in terms of man’s response to grace, it can be said that there are many who receive grace and few who are thankful. Some people seek Jesus through the grace they receive, and some people turn away from God after receiving grace because they care whether the person is more thankful to God than the person who values the grace he has received. Different responses to grace determine from a certain angle how much grace a person receives. The goal of God’s grace is never to keep people stuck in the grace that has been given, but God’s goodness, generosity, and wisdom make God’s gift always aim to give more and greater grace through the gift of grace, that is, we know, fear, close, and love God more.A person who focuses on what he has gained in this life does not take to heart the one who gives grace. And those who focus on the blessings of this world will basically not have true satisfaction and gratitude; For no matter how much benefit is given in this life, it is always not enough, and even if a man receives the glory of all nations, it cannot satisfy it. If one tries to satisfy one’s soul with what he gains in this life, the result is endless taking and emptiness. Therefore, it is certainly worth thankful and joyful to receive many blessings in this life, but how you face the gracious Jesus is the foundation that determines the blessings of life and death.Finally, I conclude the day with a verse written by David: “Praise the Lord, O my heart. Whoever is in me shall praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my heart, and do not forget all his favors. He forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. He redeems your life from death and crowns you with love and mercy” (Ps. 103:1–4).




经文:【路17:11】 耶稣往耶路撒冷去,经过撒玛利亚和加利利。【路17:12】 进入一个村子,有十个长大麻疯的迎面而来,远远地站着。【路17:13】 高声说,耶稣,夫子,可怜我们吧。【路17:14】 耶稣看见,就对他们说,你们去把身体给祭司察看。他们去的时候就洁净了。【路17:15】 内中有一个见自己已经好了,就回来大声归荣耀与神。【路17:16】 又俯伏在耶稣脚前感谢他。这人是撒玛利亚人。【路17:17】 耶稣说,洁净了的不是十个人吗?那九个在哪里呢?【路17:18】 除了这外族人,再没有别人回来归荣耀与神吗?【路17:19】 就对那人说,起来走吧。你的信救了你了。



所以,从来就没有是谁先给了神,神后来要偿还给他的(罗十一 35),从来都是神先赐人恩典,然后再赐恩典,随后又赐恩典,恩上加恩。今天的经文就论到了领受恩典之人最基本的本分,以及上帝乐意赐更大的、出人意外的恩典。


在这个故事中,路加先说明发生的时间地点,或者更准确地是事件发生的背景。这是发生在耶稣前往耶路撒冷的途中,表明耶稣正在向着神所定的受难时刻行进。这就提醒我们,主耶稣这一路所行的神迹奇事,都是在朝向这个目标的过程中发生的,是为着这个目标而有的。// 这就是当施洗约翰心里有疑惑时让门徒问主耶稣:“那将要的是你吗?还是我们等候别人呢?”(太十一3),主对他的回答:“你们去,把所听见的所看见的事告诉约翰;就是瞎子看见,瘸子行走,长大麻风的洁净,聋子看见,死人复活,穷人有福音传给他们。凡不因我跌倒的,就有福了”(太十一4-6)。甚至,这里藉着九个犹太人蒙恩后对耶稣的离弃,已经暗示了在耶路撒冷犹太人对弥赛亚的弃绝。




共同的苦难,令犹太的麻风病人和撒玛利亚的麻风病人竟然住在了一个村子里(这个所谓的村子可能就是专门给麻风病人所预备的隔离聚居地)。犹太人和撒玛利亚人彼此远离,被他们隔离的人,却因为被隔离而聚居在一起。当然,他们只是不得已住在同一个村子里(正常情况下这不大可能),也可能日常生活中犹太麻风病人和撒玛利亚麻风病人彼此之间依然保持着距离。但至少,被自己的族群所隔离,在某个意义上令他们多少突破了些他们原本族群之间的隔阂。当世界远离他们的时候,世界在他们身上的某种束缚也远离了他们。以至于,他们竟然可以作为一个十人团体一同来寻求耶稣。// 若痛苦能让人从罪恶中清醒,能突破罪的某些辖制,让人来寻求上帝,那么痛苦也因此就具有了意义。但让上帝痛心的是,罪人常常是当痛苦解除之后,往往又会再次滑落到罪恶中,白受很多的苦。// 因此,真正令他们彼此远离的是他们对上帝的远离,真正能令人彼此靠近的是我们对上帝的靠近。












被医治之后,接下来他们会做什么呢?// 虽然这个故事是一个重大的神迹事件,但是在路加的笔下似乎有意在淡化神迹奇事的色彩,对于这十个人身上所发生的这件极为重要的事情,只有一句话“他们去的时候就洁净了”。我想,很可能路加是为了突出故事的后续转折;后面的转折才是这个故事的高峰。


这十个人发现自己得洁净,被医治了。然后,他们就分成了两队,九个人就“照着耶稣吩咐他们的话”继续向前走,要去见祭司。有一个人却“没有听从耶稣的吩咐”接着去见祭司,而是返回来找耶稣。// 大麻风病人在旧约律法规定中不但要离群索居,并且若是得了医治,也不可以自行回归社区,而是需要先去见祭司,让祭司查验,在营中再隔离七天(应该是被再观察七天),并要进行一套很复杂的献祭礼仪才能让他们重回会众当中。










看到有一个人回来表达感恩,主耶稣就发出了一个三联问,“洁净了不是有十个吗?那九个在哪里呢?除了这外族人,在没有别人回来归荣耀与神吗?”,这三个问题可能不是对着这个回来的人,而是主要向着门徒发出的。为要激发门徒对这事的思考。这不是一件寻常普通的事情,这当然是大麻风被医治的神迹奇事,但是神迹的恩典不是这件事的重心,更应当思想的问题有两个,十个人蒙了同样的恩典,竟然回来感恩的人只有一个。领受了如此大的恩典,感恩只有十分之一。缺乏感恩并非只是这里的九个犹太人,这是今世罪人的普遍特征,甚至这也是基督徒的生命常态(当然,这是不正常的生命状态)。跟上帝所赐的恩典相比,我们的感恩却极不相称,可能恩典和感恩的比值在很多人身上还远不及十分之一。// 我们的感恩如此之少,似乎我们只要在口头上稍稍表达一点对上帝的感谢,上帝就已经得了祂当得,我们也就给了与上帝所赐恩典等价的回报了,我们跟上帝两清了,谁也不欠谁。或者还觉得我都感恩了还不继续赐我更多的恩典?就像一个犯罪的人会说我都道歉了你还要怎样,似乎道歉就能抵消犯罪的后果似的。因此,“神阻挡骄傲的人,施恩给谦卑的人”(雅4: 6)。对于那些罔顾上帝恩典的人,就是那些蒙了更多恩典,却轻看所领受的恩典,将上帝的恩典当作平常,甚至弃如敝履的人,上帝就任凭他们留在自己的虚妄和无知中,保罗也有论到这些人的话“因为他们虽然知道神,却不当作神荣耀他,也不感谢他。他们的思念变为虚妄,无知的心就昏暗了。自称为聪明,反成了愚拙”(罗1: 21-22)。


故此,在路加的笔下,上帝却是那位看顾孤儿寡妇和寄居的,看顾贫穷、困苦和悲哀者的神。这不是上帝的不公平,因为谁也不配得上帝的恩典,像耶和华上帝曾对摩西所说的那样“我要恩待谁就恩待谁,要怜悯谁就怜悯谁”(出33: 19)。祂的智慧和美意超过我们的理解,就像使徒保罗后来所说的那样“弟兄们哪,可见你们蒙召的,按着肉体有智慧的不多,有能力的不多,有尊贵的也不多。 神却拣选了世上愚拙的,叫有智慧的羞愧。又拣选了世上软弱的,叫那强壮的羞愧。神也拣选了世上卑贱的,被人厌恶的,以及那无有的,为要废掉那有的。使一切有血气的,在神面前一个也不能自夸”(林前1: 26-29)。

主耶稣称呼这个撒玛利亚人所用的“外族人”这个词,在新约圣经里只出现在这一节经文中,据说这个词语曾用在耶路撒冷圣殿内院入口处的石碑上,碑上写着“外邦人入内,必死”。撒玛利亚人是没有资格进入圣殿里面来敬拜神的,唯有犹太人才可以进入内院。犹太人以此为荣,他们认为自己是天选之子,比别人更蒙神的喜悦,因此他们很多人进入圣殿时里面带着自豪、自义和骄傲,法利赛人尤其如此(路18: 11)。但犹太人面对弥赛亚,神的儿子,耶稣基督,这真正上帝显于世界的“帐幕”,却不来敬拜,反而是不能进入圣殿的撒玛利亚人来敬拜,来俯伏感谢。这不仅让我们想起主耶稣曾对那个撒玛利亚妇人说的话“妇人,你当信我,时候将到,你们拜父,也不在这山上,也不在耶路撒冷。时候将到,如今就是了,那真正拜父的,要用心灵和诚实拜祂,因为父要这样的人拜祂”(约4: 21,23)。显然,凡是在基督里来敬拜神的,就是在心灵和诚实中的敬拜,就是真正对上帝的敬拜。基督就是神的国度在这末世的彰显,凡在心灵里面认出基督,并迎接基督居住在心里的,这人就是在神的国里了(路17: 21)。




看到只有这一个人回来感谢耶稣,我们再次看到,神迹奇事并不能令人悔改归正。之前乞丐拉撒路故事中那个在地狱里痛苦的财主给亚伯拉罕出的传福音的方法就是用神迹奇事来折服人心,这就是罪人认为最有力的方法,像使徒保罗所说的“犹太人是要神迹,希腊人是求智慧”(林前1: 11)。但神迹奇事只能在表面上让人俯伏,并不能让人从内心真的对上帝有顺服和敬拜。施加在罪人身上的可见恩典并不能令罪人的心灵回转,比如空气、水、食物、亲情、秩序等等这一切,尤其是空气水食物从某个角度来说比疾病得医治要宝贵得多,因为没有空气连活都活不成,得病了至少还活着,但这一切人们已经得到的恩典并未令罪人心怀感恩,心朝向神,反而罪人觉得这一切都是我们应得的。若没有对已经有恩典的感恩,即使给神迹医治这样的恩典,也不能让罪人就真正感恩了。可见,心灵的麻木不是外在可见恩典能够令其恢复的,心灵的贫穷、刚硬、坏死,必须是更为超越的属灵的恩典才能医治。

但这个故事中,神迹奇事的能力连外在的让人俯伏都没有做到,这九个领受了上帝神迹医治恩典的人,连回来感谢耶稣都没有,他们领受了他们人生中除了被造之外迄今为止最大的恩典,从今世来看,这是救命大恩。他们终于能重回正常生活了,他们立刻就被医治恩典的快乐所充满了,他们立刻就把那位恩待他们的耶稣抛掷脑后了。他们把过一个正常生活当成是他们人生的最高理想;在他们看,得了这么大的医治恩典了,我已经无所求,耶稣也不能再多给我什么了。至于是否感谢祂,我想他们并非是没有想过,而是没有放在一个重要的位置上。他们可能觉得有太多比回来找这个拿撒勒人耶稣更为重要的事,他们有太多爱的人和事情了,施恩拯救他们的耶稣还排不到前列。等到过了几天,他们想要来回来寻找耶稣的时候,这个时候耶稣已经离开这个村子了。他们可能无比遗憾地说,嗐,来的有点迟了,人家已经走了,以后再找机会吧。// 将来上帝定他们罪的时候,他们不能说我曾回去找去了,可是,耶稣已经离开了。难道耶稣要一直停留在这里专门等候他们来表达感谢吗?为了让他们能表达感谢,还得就他们合适的时间?






其余九人的内心世界可能是:我只要医治,至于这医治从哪里来我并不关心。这人的内心是:我得了医治,这医治是谁给的呢?是渴望神迹呢?还是渴望行神迹的神呢?这就是具有本质不同的信心类型。神迹和行神迹的神哪个更重要呢?医治是恩典和能力,恩典和能力与赐下恩典和能力的上帝,哪个是我们更渴慕的呢?这个世界的价值观取向是更关注能力过于关注人,你拥有的多,人们对你的关注和尊重就多,反之就少。其实,人们并非是关注你,而是关注自己,因为你所有的或许可以为我所用呢,最不济你的能力也不要损害到我,所以我很郑重地对待你。这就是福音书中虽然有许多人来簇拥耶稣,耶稣却不把自己交托给他们,因为祂知道很多人并不是渴慕上帝,而是来得饼吃饱。人们并不关心上帝,也就不关心自己的灵魂状况和去向了。他们得了医治,却远离了耶稣,所谓买椟还珠就是这样。// 事实上,能有遇见耶稣的机会,是一个人一生当中最大的幸事,就像今日很多人能听见福音一样。而相比于遇见耶稣可以得着一些今生的好处而言,认识耶稣是谁并跟随祂,才是最重要的,上帝所赐的最大的礼物、最可宝贵的,不是病得医治、发财平安,而是耶稣自己,如诗人所说“我的好处不在你以外”(诗十六2)。重要的不是脱离疾病,而是脱离罪和死亡。





主耶稣曾说过“被召的人多,选上的人少”(太22: 14),若从人对恩典回应的角度来说,可以说蒙恩的人多,感恩的人少。有人透过所蒙的恩典就去寻求耶稣,有人领受恩典后反而远离上帝,就是在乎这人对上帝的感恩是否超过了这人对所领受恩典的看重。对恩典不同的回应,从某个角度决定了一个人后续所蒙恩典的多少。因为,上帝赐恩的目标从来不是让人停留在这已经赐下的恩典中,上帝的良善、慷慨和智慧使得上帝赐恩的目的永远是要藉着恩典的赐下要赐更多更大的恩典,就是我们对上帝的认识、敬畏、亲近和爱更多。


最后,我用大卫所写的一段诗歌作为今日证道的结束“我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华。凡在我里面的,也要称颂他的圣名。我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华,不可忘记他的一切恩惠。他赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病。他救赎你的命脱离死亡,以仁爱和慈悲为你的冠冕”(诗103: 1-4)。



Testimonies 192: Evangelism in the Workplace: What You Must Not Do? Pierre

Some evangelism methods lack wisdom. Evangelism in the workplace and in the public sphere must respect the freedom and personality of unbelievers, respect the codes of conduct in all professions, and put away our sense of superiority and desire to win the debate. Otherwise, your co-worker relationships and passion for evangelism will soon fade together. People don’t care what we believe and how much we know unless they know how much we care about them.

How busy modern people’s lives are! I am busy working overtime and making various leisure plans. Especially on Sunday mornings, people are either sleeping or arriving at a resort a day earlier and if you tell him that there is a group of people who go to a place called the church every Sunday and listen to the pastor tell everyone the exclusive news about God, he is not necessarily against God, he will just say, “I really don’t have enough time!” Why go to a class with people? How can it help me? ”

As long as a person has a life strategy that brings him even the slightest satisfaction, it is difficult for him to make other choices. What’s more, many people feel that Jesus is powerless in his predicament unless someone comes up to him and shows him it. Instead of showing him your unusual schedule of Sundays, let him see that you live very differently seven days a week: why do you still have peace in your heart in the face of adversity or difficult people, in the face of disappointment, hurt, or exclusion, in the face of illness or accident?

I think you’ve got the point, as a workplace Christian, you have to be brave enough to walk out the door of the church. Your pastor has probably said this to you many times without reminding you how to avoid messing things up. Some ways of sharing faith are unwise. Viable evangelism methods in the workplace and the public sphere must respect the freedom and personality of unbelievers and respect the codes of different professions. One principle remains constant: the more different we are from people, the more careful and thoughtful we are in our communication.

If you were to walk into your workplace tomorrow and intend to share the good news of Jesus with others, who would you choose to tell it? The one on the left may be an atheist who likes fortune-telling, the person on the right is probably a Buddhist, and the feminist male colleague sitting at the window wearing a pen skirt across the street is keen to talk about pornographic jokes and brag about his experience of “sex warfare”. If you don’t know your audience beforehand, I sympathize with your frustrated face. After a few such reckless encounters, I believe that your co-worker relationship and passion for evangelism will die together nine times out of ten.

Suppose Jesus’ carpenter work sucks

The most basic principle of sharing the gospel with others in the workplace is that if others want to pay attention to our faith, we must first pay attention to our own work. If you think about Jesus himself, can you imagine him using substandard materials, casually handing over errands, or making false demands? Imagine that after he came out to preach, an old client sat in the crowd of listeners. If Jesus had not been a good carpenter, there might have been people in the crowd who whispered disapprovingly, “I don’t listen to this man.” I tell you, he can’t believe it. The table he used to make for me broke down in less than a year. Normal people would think that Jesus’ theology is as good or as bad as the table he built.

This does not mean that everyone should become a superman in the workplace, the elite of the elite, but we must take our work seriously and do our best to the best of our ability. Of course, competence alone is not enough, and if you want to maintain the impact of your performance, you must have good character to match the gifts. Unfortunately, many leaders lose influence because of personality problems.

You can keep asking yourself every day, “What would Jesus do if He were in my place?” “When competence and good character are linked to us, there is a visible impact that transcends the position.

Character is not only internal but also in our thoughtful outward actions—people don’t care how much we know unless they know how much we care about them. The most accurate way to know how considerate people are is to observe how they discuss other people in the break room or over lunch. What do they say? How to say? Is it long and short? Will it insult, belittle, slander, ridicule, and despise people? The apostle Paul made it clear, “Do not utter a word of defilement, but speak good words that make man and good things that may be heard.” “Have you used that as a standard?

If you’re in leadership, it’s not just about avoiding harshness, insults, or other fear-mongering management, it’s about building an atmosphere where people can speak up. Whether the topic of discussion is a difficult business decision or a spiritual principle, not listening means not respecting. Good listeners not only hear the voice, but also try to understand the person speaking, and they think and reflect on what they hear to make sure they understand correctly. Even if criticism or response is too “close”, they strive to overcome the instinct for self-preservation. When listening, they are not busy thinking about how to respond to their critics. They strive to peer into each other’s hearts through each other’s eyes.

I have a doctor friend named John, who is an excellent physician and his good character is obvious to all. He faced professional pressures and his first child was born with spina bifida. John was coping with work and commuting to the children’s hospital frequently, a situation that his colleagues understood well.

John had many reasons to lose his temper, but he rarely did. Once he discovered that the nurse had made a serious mistake that endangered the patient’s life. John spoke strongly but respectfully reproached the nurse. Nurses can leave without compromising their self-esteem after being reprimanded. Another colleague saw the scene and said, “John, I see how you handle this. If you are a preacher, I will go to your church. ”

The truth is, John was really a preacher. So are we. When people see our good deeds and good character, we speak with power, just like preaching from a pulpit, and even more influential. The distance between the pulpit and the bench does not exist in the workplace. We are people who are complete and consistent.

Don’t rush to show your superiority

Christ sent us not to “testify,” but to be “witnesses” or “witnesses.” The testimony that comes out of our mouths needs to be consistent with the testimony we live.

The apostle John said, “We will preach to you what we see and hear.” Telling people what you see or experience so that the world can see our transformed lives in our faith—that’s the job of witnesses. This life manifests itself in simple daily contact with people, showing our hope and joy, meaning and fulfillment, and how biblical principles help us solve or cope with the problems we encounter every day.

A simpler way to show life is the so-called “small act of conscience,” similar to giving someone a “cup of cold water” in Jesus’ name. Today, when people lack basic etiquette, the power of unexpected kindness is beyond imagination. Small actions of conscience can include the following actions:

Remember the name of the employee or client – as well as the name of their spouse, their birthday or wedding anniversary; When greeting others, listen genuinely to their reactions; Ask the assistant if you want to pour him a cup of coffee; Say hello to others sincerely; Helping colleagues inflate car tires in the parking lot; sharing knowledge with colleagues in need; Offer to tell a colleague that you appreciate what he does; Ask colleagues questions that matter to them, then listen attentively to their responses…

Over time, even small things will make Jesus visible in us, setting the stage for future spiritual impact. No matter how resistant people are to spiritual things, having a Jesus-like character is still very attractive. However, it should be remembered that small actions of conscience need to be deliberate, but not false. No one likes to be someone else’s project. Action, if there is no love, is only fake. Therefore, we should add a prayer to every encounter with others: Lord, please show me how to care for this person, and may this person see You in me.

Of course, this does not make you perfect, and faith in Jesus will not solve all of life’s problems or make us perfect. Don’t be afraid to expose your shortcomings, Christianity does have a triumphant side, but life is often full of failures and heartbreaks, and if we hide our vulnerability and talk only about beauty, we only show our lack of understanding of grace and do not know what God has done for us.

It is not our accomplishments that attract unbelievers, but God’s grace. They want to see the process and understand the path we’ve taken, not just the finished product and where we’re where we’re now. Let’s not rush to purify our stories and whitewash ourselves; Omitting the struggle in the middle makes it difficult for unbelievers to identify with us and instead feel that we are false. A lot of times we are really fake.

In addition, not showing superiority when doing good deeds is often one of the main reasons why unbelievers are annoyed.

Using the “banner of faith” in casual conversation

When is a good time for us to talk to people about the gospel? Many Christians who want to evangelize in the workplace will express confusion. It takes wisdom to discern. Talking about faith is appropriate when the topic of faith naturally fits into the conversation, rather than being mechanically and reluctantly pulled over. You’ve probably seen someone finish lunch and suddenly ask, “If you die tonight and stand at the gates of heaven, God asks you, ‘Why should I let you in?’ ‘How would you answer?’ “Frankly, this style of talking can disrupt the conversation and stifle the budding relationship.

It’s always the right time to talk about your faith, but that doesn’t mean you have to pour all your spiritual knowledge over at once. You just need to answer the questions, and remember to leave foreshadowing to foster curiosity and new questions so you have the opportunity to continue talking.

When introducing the topic of faith into the conversation, the “flag of faith” is the easiest and least compulsive method. The so-called “banner of faith” are some simple statements that naturally flow in casual conversation, which can show that you are serious about your faith. For example, if you express to your subordinate that you are honored to work with him, you can say, “We’ve been looking for someone like you for a long time, and I’ve been praying for this for a long time.” When a colleague does a great job, you can say, “It seems that God gave you the ability to grasp the details.” ”

When someone encounters an opportunity or a difficulty, you say to him, “If you don’t mind, I’ll pray for you.” When others praise your character, you respond, “I don’t always do it right, but I try to follow some biblical principles that apply to the mall.” When someone is upset, you can say, “I remember one time when I was so depressed that a friend suggested I read some Bible verses, and that helped.” Doctors can say to their patients, “You know, there’s only so much doctors can do. I did my best, but it was God who healed people. ”

However, there are several things to avoid when using the banner of faith. First, don’t identify yourself as a member of a sect, because if the other person is dissatisfied with the sect, it is likely to transfer disgust to you. We’re not telling you to hide your membership, but when you notice that it can be counterproductive, you just need to highlight yourself as a person who values faith, prayer, the Bible, and God.

Second, don’t say that faith is the reason you don’t do anything. Christianity is not a rule or a ticket, but a personal relationship with God through Jesus. “I don’t drink, I don’t dance, I don’t smoke… Because it goes against my beliefs”, such a statement may only harden the already hard soil, because it almost always smells of condemnation to non-Christians.

Finally, avoid religious jargon, words that confuse outsiders, such as: washed in blood, redeemed, asked Jesus to dwell in the heart, saved, justified, repented for trespasses and sins, born again, and so on.

When God works in someone’s heart, that person usually wants to know more; When God works in a person, sooner or later that person will respond to the banner of faith.

A story that everyone loves

Once someone becomes interested in your “banner of faith,” the next step in communication is the “story of faith.” We were raised by television, we are all story people, and we can spit out gossip from the entertainment industry casually. We use stories to dispel boredom and pass the boredom.

The modern penchant for stories works in your favor because you have the best redemption story on the market—the process by which you came to know Jesus and how your life and that of your family became abundant after you knew Him. Faith stories don’t tell people how to know God, but they do tell people that God is at work, and God often uses these faith stories to increase people’s hunger and thirst, especially in the workplace.

Faith stories should come naturally in casual conversation and not be planned. Faith stories are not sermons, so they should be limited to a minute or two, focusing on God, the Bible, or prayer to show what to expect from being a child of God. If your non-believer colleagues already feel that you are a little different, faith stories can explain why you are different, so don’t talk about a particular church, denomination, or leader that may be the cause of the other person’s troubles.

It is recommended that each believer write their own story of faith. Write an outline, or simply write it down completely; Then share it with mature Christians, invite them to comment, help you revise it, and ask them to point out religious terms that should be removed from the story.

As a doctor, whenever I encounter a patient facing pain, I often tell them the following story of faith: I feel the same way about my current experience. When my daughter Kate was eleven, she had a physical convulsion that was even life-threatening. We rushed her to the hospital right away, and it took doctors more than an hour to stop the spasms. At that time, she stopped breathing and had to insert a throat tube to help her breathe. Doctors told us that her brain waves weren’t beating — not sure if it was drugs or brain death. At night, my child’s mother and I stayed by her bedside. We hugged each other and cried. A friend came, and he didn’t give us much advice, he just taught us to pray. Prayer has become our habit since that night, and God has been using it to bless us ever since.

Whenever a patient expresses interest, I tell him that God loves us and that He not only listens but even sends His only begotten Son to die for us when we are absolutely helpless.

At this point, be wary that if we tie success or self-esteem to the response of others, our behavior can become manipulative and offensive. All you have to do is tell your story, don’t try to play the Holy Spirit, don’t try to persuade people instantly, and let God’s power settle in the listener’s heart. Don’t try to be morally preaching or self-defeating, just make sure the story is honest and let the Holy Spirit do His work.

Even if the other person shows some interest, it is necessary to restrain yourself from pouring out all the “spiritual information” at once, people need time to think. Our goal is to spark curiosity and speak as concisely as possible so that the other person does not lose interest.

Don’t rush to debate when you encounter opposition

Two more puzzles often arise. First, sometimes colleagues behave inconsistently with Christian principles or even badly. Do not be surprised by human sin, or you will say, “I don’t believe what the Bible says.” Don’t rush to debate when you encounter opposition

Two more puzzles often arise. First, sometimes colleagues behave inconsistently with Christian principles or even badly. Do not be surprised by human sin, or you will say, “I don’t believe what the Bible says.” Because the Bible tells us this for a long time. In fact, many times we deliberately show surprise when we want to tell unbelievers, “I’m better than you.” Christians are often labeled hypocritical precisely because of moments of great surprise at human sin.

You can say no nicely without being drastic or too defensive. Most of the time, colleagues or friends just want to share with us what they like, and the intentions are good, although the proposed activity is not so good. Even if we don’t participate, this kindness can be appreciated. However, if the invitation is tentative, it is a different matter.

Second, we also need to deal with people’s opposition to Christianity. At this point, your apologetic feelings may be ignited, whatever it takes to “win.” But remember, winning a war is more important than winning a battle. If we value keeping us right more than helping others learn better, then we have forgotten our primary purpose – to increase understanding, not to win debate.

Asking questions is a good way to respond to objections, to show that we value other people’s opinions, rather than stuffing our own opinions on them, and it doesn’t make people stressed. There are three types of questions we can ask: questions that request clarification, such as “What do you mean?” ”

Questions that ask for an explanation, such as “How did you come to this conclusion?” Invite questions to think about, such as “Have you ever thought about it…”

It is important to remember that when faced with opposition, do not react negatively in the first place. Instead of making a fuss about the gospel, thank someone for finally being willing to talk to you about spiritual issues, even if they are just “picking” and haven’t made up their minds yet. Second, doubts often reflect that the other party is thinking sincerely. When people tell you questions, it’s likely that they trust you and feel safe talking to you, and that’s a good thing! Third, if you don’t know the answer, admit it and offer to find the answer with the other person. God’s call to you is not to give the right answer but to love and serve. Finally, there is no need to rush to correct every incorrect doctrine, God does not need you to be a theological patrolman, picketing problems everywhere.

The most powerful way to make people re-examine their beliefs is to ask them how that set of beliefs works. Can the faith they stake in their lives bring them true joy and fulfillment? If the other person answers in the affirmative, you can take a step back and approach them when they are trapped, lonely, or disappointed.

They finally decided to come to faith

Dave is a successful real estate developer in the Orlando area. He and I became good friends in a transaction. The Dave couple repeatedly encountered intolerance, condescension, and hypocritical Christians, so they turned their back on Christians. As he interacted, the messages I expressed through the banners of faith and the stories of faith seemed to make him curious.

One afternoon about a year later, I told Dave about my testimony of salvation. He listened attentively and asked questions. Finally, the couple came to my Bible study at our invitation at our invitation. Although his wife wanted to believe in Jesus, she offered to make decisions with Dave. It took me months and tried my best to evangelize Dave, but his heart seemed to be getting harder.

Feeling lost, I decided to stomp the dust off my feet and stop investing so much time in them, there are other “seekers” to care about anyway. I told my spiritual teacher about my disappointment, and he hit the nail on the head and asked me, “Do you really care about them?” Or just treat them as a work project? “I had to bow my head and admit that it was more important to make their decisions than to make friends with them. The instructor asked me again, “Did you pray for Mr. and Mrs. Dave?” I bowed my head and said, “Actually, I don’t pray much. He laughed, “They’re making the hardest decisions of their lives.” You can’t do it for them, but there’s one thing you can do that works better than the time and energy you’ve spent on them so far: pray for them. ”

When we introduce Christ to someone, we should always examine our motives to make sure that person is indeed what we care about, not just a “business” that needs to be concluded as soon as possible. Even if our motives are pure, we ultimately have no control over the outcome. If you’ve had a successful “track record,” you’re more likely to be disappointed.

Mark Twain summed it up well, “What troubles me is not the parts of the Bible that I don’t understand, but the parts I understand.” The struggle of the will stirred up by the gospel in the hearts of men can range from months to years, and this is God’s war, not ours. If people don’t believe it, there’s nothing we can do. People make their own decisions, and our most important job—and sometimes the only work we can do—is to pray and cry out to God who can only help.

So my wife and I began praying daily for both of them and continuing to love them. Our friendship is growing. After seven years of acquaintance, they finally decided to come to Christ.

























































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Scripture Luke 17:7-10


The Dutch Puritan theologian Blake wrote a book called The Christian’s Reasonable Service, the full title of which is “Christian Serving.” This name immediately reminds us of Romans 12:1: “Therefore, brethren, I exhort you, in the mercy of God, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, and it is natural that you serve so.” It was based on this verse that Blake formulated the title of the book. In his preface, he points out that before the fall of the first fathers, God called people to pleasing missions; After the Fall, this mission became difficult, but God’s will was still for everyone to faithfully do what God had called him to do. The key to whether the calling is spiritual or not is the state of mind and how we complete the calling. Man should willingly fulfill his responsibilities in this world to serve God and glorify God. The theme of this passage we’re going to share today is natural service. Next, I will share from three aspects. First, we are servants of Christ; Second, how servants should serve; The third point is what kind of mentality should be in service. Before sharing, we pray together.

We are servants of Christ

This parable is not so easy to understand. The whole story is short and the context is not contextualized. At first glance, it sounds a little harsh, a little harsh, as if it is not close to people. Our culture today is very different from that of the time, which makes it even more difficult to understand. Let’s start by looking at the context of this story. Luke 17:1-10 is Jesus’ teaching to His disciples on his way up to Jerusalem. These 10 verses contain four themes, tripping, forgiveness, faith, and service. All four themes relate to discipleship, with the first two involving relationships with brothers and sisters and the last two dealing with relationships with God. Today we want to share the fourth theme, service. As servants of God, it is natural for us to serve God.

“Doulas” means slave, slave in the original Greek. Slaves or servants were part of everyday life in ancient societies. In the Roman Empire in the first century AD, about twenty to thirty percent of the population were slaves. Slavery was not based on race in ancient societies. People become slaves for different reasons. Some were captured in war and became slaves, some were punished as slaves for crimes, some were sold into slavery because they could not pay their debts, some were born into slavery because their parents were slaves, and some even chose to become slaves as apprentices. The social or economic status of slaves also varied widely, and some slaves were the slaughters of kings or ministers, who were not only very powerful but also quite wealthy. However, no matter what reason they became slaves, and regardless of their social and economic status, they were completely belonging to their masters, and they had no autonomy. They must serve, be loyal to, and honor their master. This is their duty as servants. Today, we live in an age of egalitarian and rights-oriented times, and it is difficult to understand and accept the status of servants. However, for the disciples at that time, it should not be difficult to understand what Jesus was trying to say.

The Bible speaks of Christian identity from different perspectives. We are God’s children, God’s friends, God’s stewards, God’s messengers, God’s servants, and so on. Among them, servant or slave is one of our basic identities. The relationship between the disciples and Jesus is also known as the relationship between the servant and the master. Our Lord Jesus took the image of a slave Himself (Philippians 2:7), and He was an example of a servant in both word and deed. He became a suffering servant of God and came into the world to serve and even lay down His life (Mark 10:45). He humbly served and even washed the feet of His disciples (John 13:4-5). When the disciples fought over who would be greater, Jesus said to them, “Whoever among you desires to be great, he will be your man; Whoever wishes to be the head will be your servant. (Matthew 20:26-27) By following Christ, the disciples became servants of Christ and, like Him, became servants of all. Paul repeatedly refers to himself as a “servant of Christ Jesus” (Romans 1:1, Philippians 1:1, Titus 1:1), indicating that he belongs completely to the Lord, is fully loyal to the Lord, and is supposed to obey the Lord, willingly serve the Lord, and please the Lord. Paul knew that Christ was Lord and had absolute sovereignty over Him because He was bought by Christ at a high price. After articulating the saving grace of Jesus Christ before Romans 12, he begins chapter 12 by exhorting his brothers and sisters to sacrifice the whole person as a living sacrifice, because such service is a matter of course. If we are saved by grace and still live for ourselves or still pleasing others, we are not servants of Christ (Galatians 1:10). In addition to Paul, Peter (2 Peter 1:1), James (James 1:1), John (Rev. 1:1), and Judas (Judah 1), the brother of the Lord, all called themselves servants of Jesus Christ. When the early church priest Ignatius referred to the representative bishops, elders, and deacons of the church in his letters, the word used to refer to deacons as “fellow slaves.” This designation is meant to indicate that service to God is the common bond that connects all Christians. Luke’s record of Zechariah’s prophecy makes God’s purpose for saving us even clearer: “So that since we are saved from the enemy, we may serve him in the holy and righteous manner for life without fear.” (Luke 1:74-75)

As disciples of Christ, do we realize that our relationship with Christ is one between servant and master? Do we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ and are willing to obey His sending and arrangement? Do we know deep down that He brought us back with His blood to save us from his dark power so that we could serve Him? In fact, we are either serving the true God or serving the false God. May we all be like Joshua and decide to say, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Book 24:15)

2. How servants should serve?

Once we know that we are servants of Christ, the next question is, how do we serve Him? The four verses we share are made up of two questions and answers. The first question is, “Who of you has a servant who plows the land or herds sheep and returns from the field and says to him, ‘Come and sit down and eat?'” Verse 8 gives a clear answer with a rhetorical question: “Don’t you say to him, ‘Prepare me dinner, tie up a belt and serve me, and when I have finished eating, you may eat and drink’?” “Today’s people will read it and think that the master is excessive, and the servant is too aggrieved. However, the parable focuses on how the servant should serve the master, not how the master should treat the servant. The servants of ancient Palestine had many responsibilities, and the master needed him to take care of them inside and out. He not only had to plow the land and herd sheep outside, but also cooked for and served the master when he returned to his master’s house. Whatever the master asks him to do, he needs to obey. He cannot choose. He must put the needs of his master first, and can’t he say, I have just returned from plowing the land or herding sheep, shouldn’t I take a break first? I can’t say, I worked for a day, my stomach is hungry, I have to eat first, what is there to say when I am full! This is not the mentality and practice of servants. As a servant, he must first take care of his master. Whether it is plowing the land or herding sheep, it is quite hard work. However, even if he was tired from plowing the land or herding sheep outside, the servant had to tie his belt, raise his spirits, and prepare a meal for the master, so that the master could eat well before he could eat or rest. Whatever the master tells him to do, he must do it. All this he does is the duty of a servant.

We are disciples of Christ and slaves of Christ. Just as servants of ancient times served their masters, so should we serve Christ. From the servant’s service in this story, we can learn the following lessons about serving

First, work tirelessly. We are servants, not volunteers. Volunteers can choose to serve at a time that is convenient for them, and servants have no choice. The volunteer can choose what he likes to do, and the servant cannot pick and choose. Whether it is plowing the land, herding sheep, cooking and washing dishes, or washing feet, as long as the master lets it dry, the servants have to do it. Plowing the land and herding sheep is very hard. Plowing the land is to loosen the soil in the field with a plow, and it is necessary to control the oxen and grasp the direction of the plow. Sheep herding is also not as romantic as people in the city think. David herded sheep in his youth, facing the danger of the sheep getting lost or being devoured by wild beasts. He must be vigilant and try to protect the sheep, and if the sheep are lost, he will find them. After the servants are doing all this hard work, according to our common sense today, we should rest when we go home, How can we still let us cook and serve the master? However, the servant, who understood his identity and duty, did not complain and worked tirelessly to serve his master. No service does not require hard work. Pastor Xiaofeng mentioned in his sharing on Wednesday that he prepares sermons, sometimes sitting for hours. Then, it has to be revised over and over again. Despite his gift of preaching, the process of preparation was arduous. Many brothers and sisters work during the day and attend church services in the evenings or on weekends, which is also very hard. There are still many of us who go to school for a day and come home to cook, take care of the children, and help the children with their homework. We must not complain about hardships, let us not abdicate our duties because of fatigue. As servants of Christ, as long as the Lord tells us to do something, whatever we do, do it from the heart, as if it is done for the Lord, not for others so that we are serving the Lord.

Second, never stop. Service is not only arduous but can be long. The servant finished the work of plowing the land or herding the sheep during the day, and new services awaited him in the evening. The same is true of our service, where one service is completed and a new one comes. Sometimes we say to the Lord, Lord, can you stop and let us rest? When we are really tired and powerless, of course the Lord will give us time to rest, recover, and renew. But we can’t just because we’ve served for a while before that we can’t think we can stop serving. People who serve longer tend to develop a mindset that they feel tired and don’t want to serve anymore. We need rest and renewal when we are tired and sleepy, but rest and renewal are meant to regain our strength and continue to serve the Lord better. At the end of one service, we seek the Lord to understand what His next service to us is. Christ is our master, and He wants us to serve Him holy and righteousness before Him all our lives. We retire from certain positions of service for various reasons such as health and age, but as long as we live, we can never stop serving. In this sense, Hou Shiting once said that Christians never retire. Spurgeon even said, “By the grace of the Lord, I will not ‘retire’ until the four carry me on my shoulders to the grave.” As long as we breathe, we can still say a word for Christ, and we will never give up our service. ”

Third, the main purpose is first. After the servants returned from ploughing the land or herding sheep, they first prepared dinner for the master, served the master to eat and drink, and then began to eat and rest themselves. In service, we are to consider the Lord’s will, not our own. To consider the Lord’s mind is to prioritize what the Lord sees as important. We are often faced with the choice of thinking about the kingdom of God first or our own first. Sometimes we worry that if we take care of God’s business, we seem to sacrifice our own. But Jesus gives us a wonderful promise: “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and these things will be given to you.” (Matthew 6:33) There are times when we know what the Lord’s will is, but because we are considerate of the flesh and unwilling to be considerate of the Holy Spirit, we put our own satisfaction ahead of God’s will.

Fourth, complete the entrustment. Plowing the land or herding sheep, preparing dinner, serving the master to eat and drink, whatever the master told him to do, the servants did. Verse 10 says that the servant “has done everything he has commanded.” For every service entrusted to us by the Lord, we need to be spirited, earnest, and hard-working. Patience is especially needed in service. Our physical body is really weak, and when we encounter stress and difficulties, we want to escape, we want to give up. Who doesn’t love a more comfortable life? Sometimes, I also want to let go of everything I have done and leave Beijing to live in a small place and live a peaceful and comfortable life. But I can only think that I am a servant of God, not my own, and cannot make my claims. As servants of the Lord, it is our duty to do the work the Lord commands, otherwise, we are unfaithful.

3. What kind of mentality should be in service?

The second question is: “If the servant does as he is told, does the master thank him?” “The answer is: No!” In this way, when you have done all that you command, you should simply say, ‘We are useless servants, and what we are supposed to do is our share.’ “If the servant has done what the master has commanded, should the master thank him and reward him?” Did the servant have merit, and the master owed him a debt for it? No! All this was originally the duty of the servant, and it was his responsibility. A person who does what he does should not expect the master to thank or reward him in his mind.

Generals or ministers in ancient China made great achievements, and they all expected the king to add officials to them. This is the normal thinking of the world. So James and John would initially ask the Lord that when the Lord would gain the kingdom, one of them would sit on His left and the other on His right. When we faithfully accomplish all the work that the Lord has commanded, we sometimes think to ourselves, should I not be rewarded and praised for accomplishing so much hard work, making so great sacrifices, accomplishing such great works, and blessing so many people? However, this is not the mentality of a servant. The servant should simply say, “We are useless servants, and what we do is what we should share.” The term “useless servant” in verse 10 is translated in most English translations as “unworthy servants” or “unprofitable servants.” This does not mean that servants are useless, but that servants do not deserve to be rewarded or rewarded, that masters owe them nothing, and that what they do is their duty. The servant should have in his heart an unworthy and humble attitude.

First, recognize your unworthiness. We are unworthy servants and must not feel that we deserve the reward of the Lord. Everything we have, our bodies, our souls, everything we have, is a gift from God that we can never pay back. God not only created us but also redeemed us, buying us with the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. Everything we do is originally done by God’s grace and help. Our ability to do all this is also given by the Lord. God is sovereign and honorable, and everything we do does not gain Him. However, we often forget our status as servants, thinking that we should be praised and rewarded for accomplishing some of the master’s work. You may have heard the following story. A missionary couple returned to the United States after many years of service in Africa. They and Theodore. President Roosevelt was in the same boat. Roosevelt was returning from a hunting trip to Africa. When he landed in New York Harbor, bands were playing his favorite songs for Roosevelt, and dignitaries were there to greet him. When the missionary couple disembarked, they were cold and clear, and no one greeted them. The contrast was so strong that the husband felt devastated. He said to his wife, “That’s so unfair! It’s so unfair! 

We gave everything to God, but what did He do for us? His wife replied, “My dear, I know it’s not fair… Why don’t you go into your bedroom and tell God all this and see what He will say to you? So he went into the bedroom and knelt down alone in prayer. After the prayer came out, his face lit up and he said to his wife, “Do you know what the Lord said to me? He said, ‘But you haven’t come home yet.’ When we return home, the Lord will personally greet us. Many times, we serve with the expectation of being affirmed, acknowledged, and even thanked and commemorated. If we don’t get affirmation or reward, we become discouraged and even angry. We don’t take service for granted. In fact, God does not need us to serve. He is God Almighty. He said that if there is, there is a fate. It is not that he cannot do his work without us. Yet He chooses us and is willing to let us work with Him so that our lives can be shaped and changed by serving Him. Being able to serve Him is the grace and glory He has given us.

Second, tie your waist with humility. Augustine once said that the way to Christ begins with humility, then humility, and again humility. If humility does not precede, accompany, and follow every good deed we do, pride will take away from us any good deeds we do. No matter how obedient we are in our service and how effective our ministry is, as long as our pride is together, everything is tarnished. Over the past few months, I have spoken to the two drawing teachers downstairs many times. They encounter confusion or problems in their lives and are willing to talk to me. After several conversations, they couldn’t help but praise me, saying that I was knowledgeable, wise, and humble. Words of praise temper people’s hearts. Sometimes, hearing other people’s compliments, we can’t help but have an irrepressible smile on our lips. But when I share with them, I am evangelizing them, trying to lead them to Christ.

How can I receive glory from people and not give glory to God? I said to them, You feel in me so much wisdom and life, and you are so admired, how amazed and praised you would be if you knew the Jesus Christ in whom I believed, and saw the glory in him! Indeed, our wisdom is nothing more than a drop in the ocean compared to God’s. What’s more, all this wisdom comes from Him, and all the good things in our lives are shaped by Him. What do we have to boast about? As Paul says, “Who is it that makes you different?” What are you not taking? If so, why boast as if it were not received? (1 Corinthians 4:7) Livingston preached in Africa and served the Lord for thirty-three years. When he returned home, people praised him and treated him as a “servant” like a superstar. Livingston himself said, “As far as I am concerned, I rejoice in the office that the Lord has assigned me so much. People say that I have spent so much of my life in Africa and made great sacrifices. I owe a great debt to the Lord that I will never be able to pay. This is just a small repayment, how can it be called a sacrifice?  It should be said that it is my pleasure. Anxiety, sickness, suffering, or danger, combined with the renunciation of the convenience and kindness of this world, occasionally causes us to stop, causing our hearts to shake and our souls to sink; Hopefully, this is only temporary. None of this compares to the glory that the Lord will reveal to us in the future. I have never made a sacrifice. When we think of the great sacrifice of the Lord who left the Father’s highest throne and gave Himself to us, how can we mention His sacrifice again? Yes, as long as we keep our eyes fixed on the Lord, what reason is there to be proud?


Finally, I would like to say to you, if you are still struggling and have difficulty making up your mind to serve the Lord, please truly face the obstacles in your life, earnestly ask God to remove these obstacles, and sacrifice yourself to serve the Lord, only in this way can you experience the meaning of life, and only in this way will you find that you are no longer a slave, but a son. If you have been serving for some time, let’s give thanks to the Lord for allowing us to serve Him, and also ask the Lord to have mercy on us so that we can serve Him to the end and not fall into slack and pride.



经文 路17:7-10

荷兰清教徒神学家布雷克写过一本书,名叫《理所当然的侍奉》(The Christian’s Reasonable Service),全名是《基督徒理所当然的侍奉》。这名字立刻让我们想到《罗马书》12:1:“所以弟兄们,我以神的慈悲劝你们,将身体献上,当作活祭,是圣洁的,是神所喜悦的,你们如此侍奉,乃是理所当然的。”布雷克正是以这节经文为基础拟定这本书的书名。他在自序中指出,在始祖堕落之前,神呼召人从事使人愉快的使命;在堕落之后,这一使命变得艰难,但神的旨意仍是让每个人忠心地从事神呼召他去做的召命。召命是否属灵,关键在于我们完成召命时的心灵状态和方式。人应甘心乐意地履行今世的责任,以此来侍奉上帝,荣耀上帝。今天我们要分享的这段经文,主题就是理所当然的侍奉。接下来,我将从三个方面来分享。第一点,我们是基督的仆人;第二点,仆人当如何侍奉;第三点,侍奉当存怎样的心态。分享之前,我们一起祷告。











第三,主旨在先。仆人耕地或放羊回来之后,是先为主人预备晚饭,伺候主人吃喝完,自己再开始吃饭休息。服侍中,我们要先考虑主的心意,而不是我们自己的心意。考虑主的心意,就是要把主看为重要的事放在优先的位置。我们在生活中常常会面对先考虑神国还是先考虑自己的选择。有些时候,我们担心顾了神的事,似乎就要牺牲自己的事。然而主给了我们美好的应许:“你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了。”(太6:33) 还有些时候,我们明明知道主的旨意如何,但由于我们体贴肉体,不愿意体贴圣灵,因此将自己的满足放在了神的旨意前面。




中国古代的将军或大臣立了大功,都期待君王给他们加官进爵。这是世人的正常想法。所以雅各和约翰起初会向主求,将来主得国的时候,他们一个坐在他的左边,一个坐在他的右边。当我们忠心完成了主所吩咐的一切工作,有时心里会想,我完成了这么多艰难的工作,付出了这么大的牺牲,成就了如此了不起的事工,祝福了这么多的人,难道不应当被奖励、受夸奖吗?然而,这不是仆人当有的心态。仆人只当说:“我们是无用的仆人,所做的本是我们应分做的。” 第10节中“无用的仆人”,多数英文译本译为“unworthy servants”(不配的仆人)或“unprofitable servants”(无益的仆人)。这里并非指仆人毫无用处,而是指仆人不配得到回报或奖赏,主人不欠他们任何东西,他们所做的本来就是他们的本分。仆人心里当存的是不配、谦卑的心态。


他们和西奥多.罗斯福总统同乘一艘船。罗斯福是去非洲狩猎回来。在纽约港上岸的时候,有乐队为罗斯福演奏他最喜欢的歌曲,有高官在那里迎接他。而这对宣教士夫妇下船时却冷泠清清,无人迎接。这个对比太强烈,让丈夫感到崩溃。他对妻子说:“这太不公平了!真是太不公平了!我们将一切所有都给了神,可他为我们做什么了?”他妻子回答说:“亲爱的,我知道这不公平,你为何不进入卧室,把这一切告诉神,看看他会对你说什么?”于是,他进到卧室,独自跪下祷告。祷告出来后,他脸上放光,对妻子说:“你知道主对我说什么吗?他说:‘然而你还没有回家呢。’” 当我们回天家的时候,主将亲自迎接我们。很多时候,我们服侍,带着被肯定、被承认,甚至被感谢和纪念的期待。如果我们得不到肯定或回报,便会灰心沮丧,甚至愤怒。我们没有把服侍当作是理所当然的。其实,上帝可以不需要我们侍奉。他是全能的上帝。他说有就有,命立就立。没有我们,他并非不能成就他的工作。然而,他拣选我们,愿意让我们与他同工,使我们借着服侍他,生命被塑造和改变。能够服侍他,是他赐给我们的恩典和荣耀。







 Listen for 8 min

The house is not the most important thing, love is! Xiao Wangong

My husband and I both got to the top 2 from the Hubei fifth-tier small county, he was Peking University Physics, and I was Tsinghua Architecture.

I am currently in charge of high-end residential properties at a top developer in Beijing; He is a high school teacher and a physics leader in Beijing’s top high schools. We have been in Beijing for nine years since we graduated from undergraduate school, during which we have moved six times, and the latest seventh time is packing up and preparing to move back to Wuhan. Recently, I saw that my circle of friends was flooded by many articles by Tsinghua graduates who could not afford to buy school district houses and fled back to the second line, and the articles were full of questions, regrets, and dissatisfaction. I especially want to record our stories over the years, the same story about houses but with very different painting styles.

We moved six times in nine years, but every time we moved, we were happy.

After graduating in ’08, I moved from the Tsinghua Bauhinia Apartment to a new staff dormitory in Shunyi. The company is in Chaoyang District, far from the dormitory, 1 and a half hours by car. But I just graduated with a meager salary, I can’t afford to rent a nearby house, and I’m really grateful that the company provides dormitories. Less than 400 per month, small studio facing north. I spent almost all of my time at work, and moving from a four-person room at school to a small room for myself, I felt that my living space per capita had increased significantly. The deepest impression during this period was that my parents brought their mother to Beijing once, it was summer, my father insisted on not staying in a hotel, our family was bunk in my small single room, the two grandmothers slept on the bed, and my parents and I slept on the floor.

My parents were actually a little distressed when they saw my situation at that time, after all, the only daughter, although her family was working in a fifth-tier small city, also lived in a big house, and she felt that after reading so many books, the quality of life in Beijing was so low. I comforted them and said that I like my work in Beijing, my colleagues are excellent, the leadership is also very good, and I am alone, I can’t sleep in two beds, and the small single room is just right. In this small studio in Shunyi, I finished my first suburban small market, when Beijing house prices were just starting to take off, and 400 houses were sold out in a day.

The second move was a year later when I married my boyfriend, who was still studying for a master’s degree at Peking University at the time, and for his convenience, we moved to Wanliu and rented a small apartment. The landlord is an old Beijing couple, I heard that we rented a wedding room, specially painted the walls, green doors, and windows, and terrazzo floor clean. Posted with happy words, we held a grand and simple church wedding under the witness of relatives and friends, and we were happily naked. It was really a naked marriage, and I remember using that quarter’s bonus to pay for the rent and wedding, and I only had two thousand dollars on hand. But especially happy, the two of us met at the age of twelve, six years in the same class in middle school, six years in college love, and finally able to marry the person I love the most, it is really a feeling of drinking water. Wanliu is very close to our university, newlywed Yaner, too lazy to fire to ride to school to eat, weekend walks next to the unnamed lake, go to purple exercise to play football, although the living is simple, the memories are sweet. At that time, I passed by Wanquan New Home every day at work, and I also thought sourly whether I could live in such a good community one day, I remember that the unit price of Wanquan was 20,000 at that time, but it was already astronomical for us at that time. So for the house, just think about it, have clothing, food and love people to live together, it is very content. In the year I lived in Wanliu, Beijing’s land market was still very active, and in addition to being in charge of a suburban market, I did more than 30 land acquisition projects, worked overtime day and night, and finally obtained the first piece of land I handled through bidding.

The third time I moved was two years after marriage, I was pregnant and he was about to graduate, and considering that Wan Liu was too far from where I worked, and I didn’t have enough children to live in, we rented a two-bedroom near the company in Chaoyang District. During this period, I found that the children of the collective account of the unit could not settle down, so I put the purchase of a house on the agenda. In 2010, house prices had skyrocketed, and we quickly picked out the only small two-bedroom outside the fifth ring road that we could buy among all the real estate in the company at that time (especially the project I bid for earlier:). The down payment was 300,000 yuan, and the parents of both sides supported part of it, after paying the down payment and various handling fees, there was no money in the card, and they were a little worried that the next month’s salary would be enough for the cost of the birth and birth examination. We welcomed our first baby in the rented Unity Lake 2-bedroom house. My aunt came to help me watch the children, and when her daughter graduated from college, I invited my cousin to come to Beijing to find a job and live in our house. During this time, my good friend was evicted by the landlord and could not find a house for a while, so I asked her to live in our house first. So this small two-bedroom of 50 square meters in Unity Lake has lived with 6 people at most – it is so crowded that my mother said that it is not a good time for me to have children at this time, and I should wait until the house is ready. But every day when I ride home from work and see a cute baby, I feel very happy, as long as it is a child born of love, in fact, it does not matter what kind of house, it does not matter what good timing. In this six-person room in Unity Lake, I completed our first large-scale commercial complex project of 200,000 square meters, and because the company never found the right person to take over, I worked until the day before the birth of my child.

The child was weaned at the age of more than one year, and we finally moved to our own small house outside the Fifth Ring Road, from renting old and dilapidated to our own home far and new, seeing the neat and clean bathroom and kitchen, living happiness burst, children and the elderly are also very happy. At this time, my husband has graduated from graduate school, in fact, when I graduated from the physics department, I still have many choices, you can search for companies, large enterprises, and high school teachers – many offers in high school teachers are the lowest income. He asked me what I expected, and I said let’s see what you want to do the most. He said he still wanted to be a teacher, maybe he could earn more by doing something else, but he always felt that doing education was the most rewarding job. I said Okay, anyway, I’m busy with work so you can watch the child in the future haha, so he really became a high school physics teacher. When we moved to the south, he was originally in contact to transfer to the middle school at the doorstep, but it was the first batch of students he brought with him, and there was no college entrance examination yet, so he thought of sending them away and transferring them again and began the painful commute from the southwest fifth ring road to the northeast fifth ring road, and there was no way but to live in school in the middle of the week and go home on the weekend. I was in charge of Beijing’s first subway superstructure project, building commercial complexes, ordinary houses, and public rental housing on top of the subway depot, with all kinds of regulatory restrictions, and it was particularly difficult to do and often not be at home. After half a year, although we lived well, we all found it unbearable, and my children and I could only see my father once or twice a week – if the family can’t live together, what’s the point of a good house?

In order for him to be able to finish his senior year with peace of mind, we moved for the fifth time. They settled in the dormitory provided by their school in the East Fifth Ring Road, where all the furniture was a bed, a wardrobe, and a chair. My daughter is very opinionated, she likes our own house, but I told her that although living here is very small, you can see Dad every day. She thought about it and said: Well, the house is not important, or the family is the most important! So in this small house of less than 30 square meters, our family lived for ten months, and every day the father had time to accompany the child, although the things in the family were so small that the children could count it, so what – in fact, the things necessary for people’s lives are very few, and the space required is not much. In this small house, I completed the only project since I became a real estate designer – a large pension apartment; What’s more, in this little house, we have a second child of our own.

Before Erbao was born, the sixth move in the sixth year after graduation, we finally really moved back to our small home outside the South Fifth Ring Road, and my husband also began to work happily at the school at the doorstep. Our house is indeed very comfortable to live in, subway room, big shopping mall, big park, from kindergarten to middle school OEM full education. To be honest, looking at the scheme I saw in the model and PPT before, now it has become a real building, a living community, and living in it with my own family, is particularly wonderful and fulfilling, which may only be experienced by people who do architecture. Sometimes I think of living in this two-bedroom apartment with the lowest decoration standard of our company, in charge of the most high-end hardcover villa project in the Beijing market, and often laughing at myself as a “sericulture farmer”.

The aunt continued to help bring the second eldest child, and the husband was responsible for picking up the eldest who was attending the kindergarten next to him. The years are quiet, the world is stable, and our income is gradually getting richer. Thinking that his parents were about to retire and his children needed a private room when they were older, he sold the small house he had last year as a down payment and took out a loan to buy a four-bedroom apartment. We were planning to move for the seventh time to live in a big house with our parents, but we decided to return to Wuhan unexpectedly.

When saying goodbye to friends, they don’t understand that they have a house, a car, a household registration, and a career, and feel that we are the type of people who are the least likely to “escape”. But in fact, my husband has always wanted to go back, and when he returns to Wuhan, he can also go to the top middle school in China, and the children can be better-taken care of close to their parents. It just so happened that our company had an opportunity to transfer internally to Wuhan, I participated in the competition and found that the changes in Wuhan in recent years were very obvious, under the pattern of first-tier population restrictions, second-tier cities rose strongly, and Wuhan also had career space that was not inferior to Beijing. But it’s really tangled, after 14 years in Beijing, we all regard this place as our second home. After discussing with her husband for a long time, as far as the family is concerned, parents and children who go to Wuhan can have better care, improve overall happiness, and the quality of basic education in Wuhan is also good; As far as personal career development is concerned, the two of us have developed very well in Beijing or Wuhan. In the end, what prompted us to make up our minds was that the two of us felt that going to Wuhan compared to staying in Beijing, although there was a lot of uncertainty, definitely had a greater industry influence and could serve more people who needed better buildings and better education.

The only bad thing is that Wuhan is also limited in purchases, and it is estimated that I will continue to rent a house and continue to move when I go back. But now I feel that this is really the least important. I remember when my husband was working overtime to do physics experiments, in order to urge him to go home, I sent him a WeChat message: Feynman (winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics) said: “I want to thank my wife. In my heart, physics is not the most important, love is!” Later, I went to the real estate company, and I had to toss and buy various houses all day long, and he would ridicule me: “Wife, in my heart, the house is not the most important, love is!” I’m ashamed to say that many people think that house prices are rising, People in the real estate industry are at least beneficiaries, in fact, no, families without accumulation are difficult for anyone, From 08-17 years, we also missed countless opportunities to get on the car, and in the real estate company, obviously look at the lot of real estate they have done know that they will rise if they buy, but there is no money that feeling is so entangled! But so what, I really understand – the house is not the most important thing, love is!

In fact, we have been in Beijing for 14 years, and we really don’t live in any so-called good houses, The only houses that we may have lived in belonging to the so-called upper class are the dormitories of Tsinghua and Peking University. However, in the 9 years of my work, I have personally designed and built tens of thousands of sets of public rental housing, commercial housing, high-end villas, senior apartments, commercial complexes, and kindergartens, affecting and improving the lives of thousands of Beijingers. While these projects may not be perfect, I am truly in awe and do everything I can to take seriously the city I build and the people who live in it and do everything they can to buy homes.

Looking at a lot of recent discussions, it seems that everyone’s character setting for TOP2 is that TOP2 is branded by the upper class after graduation, and it is natural that they should stay on the front line to live in a big house, and their children go to a good school district, otherwise, there is a problem in society and no respect for knowledge. But I don’t think it’s like this, “Tianxingjian, a gentleman with self-improvement; The terrain is kun, the gentleman carries things with great virtue” – our education has never promised us a TOP-level material life, but more so that no matter what kind of environment we are in, we will not lose our morality and will not lose our will. Just like the sage Mencius said, “Wealth cannot be adulterous, poverty cannot be moved, and might cannot be yielded”; As Paul said in the New Testament, “I know how to be lowly and how to be rich, or full, or hungry, or surplus, or lack, and I have the secret whenever I want.” I can do everything by the one who strengthens me

My husband and I particularly liked the motto of Yenching University, the predecessor of Peking University, “Freedom for Service through Truth.” We firmly believe that our education is not just to stay in Beijing to obtain hukou, or for our own better material enjoyment, let alone just for future generations to keep the so-called TOP2 class, but because we have a firm will, since we know the truth through education, we can be free, do not follow the trend of the world, but strive to serve and influence more people, so that more people can live a better life.

As for our children, if they can always grow up in the love of their parents, then what about him in Beijing or Wuhan, or in the scum, or in the cattle, or in a mansion, or in a poor alley? He is always in a higher class than the so-called home-owning class, and he never has to worry about slipping down!