Leadership is one of the fundamental preoccupations of modern business and for good reason. It matters. Few subjects have been more written about in recent years than leadership. Good leadership is at the heart of every successful organisation. As kingdom entrepreneurs, we must look to the greatest of leaders as our role model. We must learn to lead like Jesus. 领导力成为现代商业的基本前提之一是有充分理由的。领导力很重要。近年来,鲜有其他不是领导力的话题被书写。良好的领导力是每个成功机构的核心。作为国度企业家,我们必须以最伟大的领袖为榜样。我们必须学习像耶稣那样领导。 Activity 活 动 Write down some of the words that come to mind when you think of business leadership. 写下当你想到企业领导力时脑海里浮现的一些词。 记 住 谁是老 板 祷 告 Teaching 教 导 If we are to lead a fruitful business ministry, we must cultivate a Christ-like approach to leadership. We suggest that the core characteristics of Jesus’ leadership are authority and service. Were these on your list? The people around Jesus recognised that He ‘taught as one who had authority and they ‘praised God, who had given such authority to man.’ The people recognised that Jesus acted with authority long before they understood his positional authority as the Son of God. 如果我们要领导一个富有成果的营商事工,我们必须培养一种像基督那样的领导方式。我们认为耶稣领导力的核心特征是权柄和服务。这些在你的清单上吗?耶稣周围的人认识到耶稣“教训他们正像有权柄的人”,他们“就归荣耀与神,因为祂将这样的权柄赐给人。”人们认识到耶稣做事有权柄,远在了解他因上帝独生子的地位而有的权柄之前。 Do you have authority? If so, what is it based on? 你有权柄吗?如果有,它基于什么? Reflection 反 思 When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. ‘Lord,’ he said, ‘my servant lies at home paralysed, suffering terribly.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Shall I come and heal him?’ The centurion replied, ‘Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, “Go,” and he goes; and that one, “Come,” and he comes. I say to my servant, “Do this,” and he does it.’ When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, ‘Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.’ 耶稣进了迦百农,有一个百夫长进前来,求祂说:『主啊,我的仆人害瘫痪病,躺在家里,甚是疼苦。』耶稣说:『我去医治他。』百夫长回答说:『主啊,你到我舍下,我不敢当;只要你说一句话,我的仆人就必好了。因为我在人的权下,也有兵在我以下;对这个说“去!”他就去;对那个说“来!”他就来;对我的仆人说:“你做这事!”他就去做。』耶稣听见就希奇,对跟从的人说:『我实在告诉你们,这么大的信心,就是在以色列中,我也没有遇见过。 Matthew马太福音8:5-10 Teaching 教 导 If Jesus’ authority was so important, we need to understand better. It helps to think about where authority comes from. Authority always flows from a higher authority. Even Jesus looked up. He had authority yet was Himself under the authority of His Father. The Centurion was commended by Jesus for recognising this. The passage illustrates how authority flows within a hierarchy. Authority always starts at the top where the buck stops. From there, it flows down the hierarchy. Being under authority means you operate with the authority of the one whose authority you are under. As Kingdom Entrepreneurs, we are leaders who are under the authority of Christ. We act with His authority. 如果耶稣的权柄如此重要,我们就要更好地了解它。这有助于思考权柄的来源。权柄总是来自更高的权柄。甚至耶稣也要向上看。他拥有权柄,但却把自己放在父神的权柄之下,他称赞百夫长看到了这一点。这段经文说明了权柄是如何在等级制度中流动的。权柄总是从承担全责的权力顶峰开始,从那里在等级制度中向下流动。在权柄之下意味着你运用对你有权柄之人的权柄来运作。作为国度企业家,我们是在基督权柄之下的领袖。我们以他的权柄行事。 What are the benefits of knowing that we are ourselves under the authority of Christ? 知道我们自己是在基督的权柄之下有什么益处? Teaching 教 导 Too often in business, authority is based on positional leadership alone. It becomes ‘the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience over subordinates.’ Not so for the Kingdom Entrepreneur. This is because Christ-like leadership is characterised by both authority and the equally essential and complementary characteristic of service. 在商业领域,权柄常常完全基于职位。权柄成为“下达命令,做决定,并强制下属服从的权力或权利。”对于国度企业家来说,情况并非如此。这是因为基督般的领导力特征是即有权柄又有与之同等重要且互补的服事。 Jesus called them together and said, ‘You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’ 耶稣叫了他们来,说:『你们知道外邦人有君王为主治理他们,有大臣操权管束他们。只是在你们中间不可这样;你们中间谁愿为大,就必作你们的用人;谁愿为首,就必作你们的仆人;正如人子来,不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人;并且要舍命,作多人的赎价。』 Matthew马太福音20:25-28 Jesus turns the world’s pattern of leadership on its head. He modelled servant leadership and made this a clear priority for His disciples. If we are to become Christ-like leaders we too must model an attitude of service towards those who are under our authority. Great leaders are not better than others. They are just the ones willing to lay down their lives for others. This turns the normal understanding of authority upside down. 耶稣彻底改变了世界的领导力范式。他示范了仆人式领导,并清楚地把这作为门徒的首要任务。如果我们要成为像基督一样的领袖,我们也必须树立服事我们下属的态度。伟大的领导者并不是比其他人更好,他们只是愿意为他人付出自己生命的人。这就颠覆了人们通常对权柄的理解。 What might it look like when a business leader gives their life for their subordinates? 当商业领袖为下属付出自己的生命时,看起来会是怎样的? Hierarchy 等级制度 Obedience 服从 Trust 信任 Faith 信仰 God上帝 Delegation 代表 Empowerment 赋权 Authority 权柄 The diagram above illustrates the flows in a hierarchy. Discuss where the word ‘service’ should go on the diagram. 上图显示了等级制度中的流动。讨论“服事”一词在图表上的位置。 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favour when their eye is on you but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free. And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favouritism with him. 你们作仆人的,要惧怕战兢,用诚实的心听从你们肉身的主人,好像听从基督一般。不要只在眼前事奉,像是讨人喜欢 的,要像基督的仆人,从心里遵行神的旨意。甘心事奉,好像服事主,不像服事人。因为晓得各人所行的善事,不论是为奴的,是自主的,都必按所行的得主的赏赐。你们作主人的,待仆人也是一理,不要威吓他们。因为知道,他们和你们同有一位主在天上;祂并不偏待人。 Ephesians以弗所书6:5-9 Discussion 讨 论 Reflect on the passage. Note that masters are called to treat their employees in the same way as the Lord does. List what is expected from masters. 反思这段经文。请注意,上帝要求做主人的用与上帝同样的方式对待仆人。请列出上帝对主人的期望。 The Bible makes it clear that both employees and their employers have a Master in heaven who will treat everyone without favouritism. What would change in business if earthly masters behaved in this way and showed ‘no favouritism’? 圣经清楚地表明,雇员和他们的雇主同有一位不偏待人的主在天上。如果全地的主如此行事,祂不偏待人,那么我们经商的方式应该发生什么变化? When we recognise that we are under the authority of Christ we will be able to model Christ-like servant leadership. 当我们认识到我们是在基督的权柄之下时,我们就能效法基督式的仆人领导力。 The goal of every ministry is to bear fruit. Not just any old fruit, but spiritual fruit that will last. This can only be achieved in God’s way, through spiritual means. We must seek to ensure the activities of our business bear spiritual fruit. 每个事工的目标都是结果子,而且不是什么破旧的果子,是历久不衰的属灵的果子。而这只能通过属灵的方法达到。我们必须努力确保我们的商业活动结属灵的果子。 ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.’ 我是葡萄树,你们是枝子。常在我里面的,我也常在他里面,这人就多结果子;因为离了我,你们就不能做什么。 ‘You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last – and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.’ 不是你们拣选了我,是我拣选了你们,并且分派你们去结果子,叫你们的果子常存,使你们奉我的名,无论向父求什么,祂就赐给你们。 John约翰福音15:5,John约翰福音15:16 Jesus makes it clear that he has appointed us to bear much fruit. It is empowering to know that this is God’s desire for us. As the leader of a business ministry, we can confidently expect to bear spiritual fruit, in and through the activities of our business. It is 在基督 里 essential, however, that we remember how this is achieved. We must learn to operate ‘in Christ’. 耶稣清楚地表明他委派我们多结果子。知道这是神对我们的期望带给我们力量。作为营商事工的领袖,我们可以充满信心地期待通过我们从事的商业活动结属灵的果子。然而,至关重要的是,我们必须记住怎样才能实现这一目标。我们必须学会“在基督里”运作。 Discussion 讨 论 Jesus tells us that we can ‘do nothing’ apart from Him. Why can’t a Kingdom Entrepreneur bear fruit apart from Jesus? 耶稣告诉我们,离了祂,我们就不能做什么。为什么国度企业家离了耶稣就不能做什么? What does this tell us about the kind of fruit we are to bear? 这告诉我们,我们要结的果子是那种果子? Teaching 教 导 Jesus goes on to set out why we are to bear fruit. 耶稣继续阐明为什么我们要结果子。 We are called to bear fruit for the Father’s glory. We do this by showing ourselves to be Jesus’ disciples. Business as a ministry is all about the spiritual fruit that occurs when Kingdom Entrepreneurs confidently and publicly live as visible disciples of Jesus. The BizMin Course seeks to set out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in the business context. When we learn how to do this we will have become the leaders of a fruitful Christian ministry. We can rejoice in knowing that it will bring glory to God. 我们被呼召为着天父的荣耀结果子。我们通过表明自己是耶稣的门徒来结果子。营商事工的一切都是为了结属灵的果子,当国度企业家充满信心并公开可见地做耶稣的门徒时,就会结属灵的果子。BizMin 课程就是要阐明在经商环境中,做耶稣的门徒意味着什么。当我们学习如何这样做,我们都将成为富有成果的基督教事工的领袖。知道这将荣耀上帝,我们就欢喜雀跃。 We must never forget that Jesus is the source of our fruitfulness and that it is for the Father’s glory, not our own. Reflect on the following account of a kings downfall. 我们永远不要忘记,耶稣是我们结果子的源泉,而结果子是为了天父的荣耀,而不是我们自己的荣耀。反思以下关于一个国王垮台的记述。 ‘This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.’ 你们多结果子,我父就因此得荣耀,你们也就是我的门徒了。
John 约翰福音 15:8,Daniel但以理书4:28-33a All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. Twelve months later, as the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, he said, ‘Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?’ Even as the words were on his lips, a voice came from heaven, ‘This is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your royal authority has been taken from you. You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Highest is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.’ Immediately what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. 这事都临到尼布甲尼撒王。过了十二个月,他游行在巴比伦王宫里(原文是上)。他说:『这大巴比伦不是我用大能大力建为京都,要显我威严的荣耀吗?』这话在王口中尚未说完,有声音从天降下,说:『尼布甲尼撒王啊,有话对你说,你的国位离开你了。你必被赶出离开世人,与野地的兽同居,吃草如牛,且要经过七期。等你知道至高者在人的国中掌权,要将国赐与谁就赐与谁。』当时这话就应验在尼布甲尼撒的身上。 Who did the king think was behind his achievements and who’s benefit and glory were they for? 尼布甲尼撒王认为谁是他成就的源泉,这些成就是为了谁的利益和荣耀? Discussion 讨 论 How might a Kingdom Entrepreneur ensure that they and their company avoid the king’s mistake and remain ‘in Christ’? 国度企业家如何确保自己以及自己的公司不犯尼布甲尼撒王的错误,确保自己“在基督里”? If we are to bear spiritual fruit we must remain in Christ. 我们若要结出属灵的果子,就必须在基督里。 he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfilment – to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ. 都是照祂自己所预定的美意,叫我们知道祂旨意的奥秘,要照所安排的,在日期满足的时候,使天上、地上、一切所有的都在基督里面同归于一。 Ephesians1:9-10以弗所书 This passage sets out that God’s purpose is ‘to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.’ This is the primary objective of any Christian ministry and must involve bringing all aspects of our business under Christ. The book of Ephesians sets out how this goal is achieved in chapters 4, 5 and 6. 这段经文指出,上帝的旨意是“使天上、地上、一切所有的都在基督里面同归于一。”这是所有基督教事工的主要目标,而且必须包括将我们业务的各个方面都归于基督之下。以弗所书在第 4、5 和 6 章中阐述了如何实现这一目标。 The diagram opposite illustrates the process. At the centre is the church and those called to ‘equip the saints for works of service.’ With the support of our church, we are required to progressively bring all areas of our lives under Christ. First and foremost, our own lives are to be brought under Christ through personal discipleship. Secondly, we are to bring our family and homes under Christ. Next, we are to be disciplined as workers, serving the Lord wholeheartedly. The master, the employer or Kingdom Entrepreneur is the final step in the process. It is here, in the hands of leaders, that all things on earth might be brought under Christ. 下图说明了这一过程。中心是教会和那些被呼召“为要装备圣徒,去承担圣工”的人。在教会的支持下,我们被要求逐步地将我们生活的各个领域都归于基督之下。首先要通过个人的门徒训练把自己的生命归于基督之下。第二,要把我们的家庭和家族归于基督之下。然后,我们要成为做工的门徒,全心全意地事奉主。主人,雇主或国度企业家是这个过程的最后一步。正是在这一步,在领导者的手中,地上的万物才可以被带到基督里。 When your business is brought under Christ you will have done your bit to bring unity to all things on earth. This is BizMin’s Teaching 教 导 goal. We want to equip Kingdom Entrepreneurs to play their part in bringing all things under Christ. That includes your business. We believe this is one of the key reasons why God is calling and equipping a new generation of Kingdom Entrepreneurs. It is a key part of what He purposed in Christ. 当你的企业被带领归于基督时,你就为地上万物的合一尽了自己的那份力量。这就是 BizMin 的目标。我们想装备国度企业家去发挥自己的作用,将万物归于基督。这其中包括你的企业。我们相信这是上帝呼召和装备新一代国度企业家的关键原因之一。这是祂在基督里对我们的旨意的一个关键部分。 At the centre of this process is the local church. Has your church equipped you for ‘works of service’ in the world of work? Discuss what your church could do to better support believers in the workplace. Discussion 讨 论 教会 属灵前线的扩展 ,我的家庭,我的生意,我的生活 这个过程的中心是本地的教会。你的教会有没有装备你在工作中“去承担圣工”?讨论你的教会可以做什么以更好地支持职场的信徒。 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 我还有末了的话:你们要靠着主,倚赖祂的大能大力作刚强的人。要穿戴神所赐的全副军装,就能抵挡魔鬼的诡计。因 我们并不是与属血气的争战(原文是摔跤;下同),乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。所以,要拿起神所赐的全副军装,好在磨难的日子抵挡仇敌,并且成就了一切,还能站立得住。 Ephesians以弗所书6:10-13 It is at this point that the book of Ephesians turns to the spiritual battle. A Kingdom Business is a front-line in the battle for the Kingdom of God. It is essential that we recognise this. Bringing every aspect of our business under Christ will be a spiritual battle. This battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of darkness. It will not be won through anything other than the authority of Christ. It is by remaining Teaching 教 导 in Him and standing in His authority that this battle will be won. First in our own lives, then in our homes and finally in our workplace. As this occurs in our business, we will see it transformed into a fruitful ministry. 正是在这一点上,以弗所书转向了属灵的战争。在为上帝国度征战的这场战争中,国度企业是最前线。我们必须意识到这一点。把我们企业的各个方面归入基督将是一场属灵的战争。这场战争不是与血气和肉身争战,而是与黑暗的属灵势力争战。除非凭着基督的权柄,否则怎么都不会赢。只有靠着在主里面并凭着主的权柄站立,才能赢得这场战争。首先是在我们自己的生命里,然后是在我们的家庭中,最后是在我们的工作场所。当这发生在我们的企业中时,我们就会看着它变成一个富有成果的事工。
Without evidence of a spiritual battle, we may need to consider whether we are really striving to achieve spiritual fruit. Is your experience of business a spiritual battle? 如果没有属灵战争的确据,我们可能需要思考我们是否真的在努力取得属灵的果子。你的经商经历是一场属灵战争吗? Think of an example of where you have taken a stand over a situation in your business. Write down the testimony of how you were successful. 举个例子说明针对经商中的某种情形你坚持了立场。写下你如何获胜的见证。 Reflection 反 思 What was the role of prayer in this process? 祷告在这个过程中起了什么作用? How often do you pray for your business? 你多久为你的生意祷告一次? Never All the time Business is at the front-line of the spiritual battle for the Kingdom of God. Our goal is to equip Kingdom Entrepreneurs to take a stand and, when everything is done, to still be Discussion 讨 论 从来没有 一直祷告 standing. The good news is that we do not need to fight in our own strength. Remember, we are in Christ and can do nothing apart from Him. Any spiritual fruit we bear is a product of grace and most often the result of prayer. 商业是为了上帝国度的属灵战争之最前线。我们的目标是装备国度企业家采取立场,并在一切完成后仍然保持立场。好消息是我们不需要以自己的力量来战斗。记住,我们在基督里,离了他我们什么也做不了。任何我们所结的属灵果子都是恩典的产物,常常是祷告的结果。 The Kingdom of God will advance as our business is brought under Christ. This is a spiritual battle, won by grace. 当我们的企业被带领归于基督,上帝的国度就会拓展。这是一场属灵的战争,将靠着恩典得胜 In section 9.2 we identified that all of this is ‘for the Father’s glory’. In a Kingdom Business, it is God who should receive both the praise and the glory. When you succeed, who receives the praise? Is it you, your colleagues or God? If it is you, that is not surprising. You are the boss, and the boss is often the For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. 你们得救是本乎恩,也因着信;这并不是出于自己,乃是神所赐的;也不是出于行为,免得有人自夸。 Ephesians以弗所书2:8-9. 为 着赞美祂的荣耀 教 导 the figurehead for the team’s success. If it is your colleagues, that is impressive. It is not easy to let others have the limelight. Hopefully, you are one of the first to sing your team’s praises when they do well. It is much harder, however, for our success to result in God getting the glory. 在 9.2 节中我们指出所有这一切都是“为了父的荣耀”。在国度企业中,上帝才是应该接受赞美和荣耀的那位。当你成功时,谁会受到赞美?是你,你的同事还是上帝?如果是你,这并不奇怪。你是老板,而老板通常是团队成功的象征。如果是你的同事,那真是令人瞩目。让他人在聚光灯下并不容易。在你的团队表现出色时,希望你是第一个赞扬他们的人。然而,要使我们成功让上帝得荣耀则要困难得多。 Discussion 讨 论 How are we to ensure that God gets the glory through our business success? Reflect on the power of testimony. 我们如何确保上帝通过我们的商业成功而获得荣耀?反思见证的力量。 If we don’t regularly praise and thank God for what He is doing in and through our business, who else will! Has your business success been for ‘the praise of His glory? 如果我们不经常赞美和感谢上帝在我们的企业中以及通过我们的企业所做的事,还会有谁赞美呢?!你企业的成功是否是为了“赞美祂的荣耀”呢? If we are to transform our business into a fruitful ministry, it must be for the praise of His Glory. 如果我们要把我们的企业变为富有成果的事工,就必须是为了赞美祂的荣耀 Close the session with a short time of prayer. Ask God to equip you to take a stand and bring every aspect of your business under the authority of Christ. 短暂祷告后结束会议。祈求上帝装备你,让你站出来引领你企业的各个方面都归于基督的权柄之下。
10.BizMin-Course When you commit to doing business as a ministry and are equipped to do business God’s way, we hope that your mind will turn to how your personal transformation might affect the culture of your company. At the very least, you will want to ensure that your company is a place where a Biblical approach to business is able to flourish and prosper. Importantly, this is about more than you. It is about more than being a better Christian at work. In addition to transforming the way you do business, it is about redeeming the culture of your company, which is the way you and your company do business. 当你致力于做营商事工并且装备好以上帝的方式经商,我们希望你的思想将转向如何通过你个人的转变来影响你公司的文化。最起码,你要确保你的公司能成为按圣经原则开展业务的做法可以蓬勃发展的地方。重要的是,这不仅仅只涉及你,不仅仅只涉及你在工作中成为一个更好的基督徒。这除了改变你的经商方式之外,还涉及到挽回你公司的文化,也就是你和你的公司经商的方式。 Your business is a separate legal entity with an identity, values and a culture of its own. This culture will determine how the company functions, how it is perceived and ultimately what kind of fruit it achieves in the world. Doing business as a ministry is about cultural transformation. It is this that ensures your 祷 告,教 导,更 新公司文化 company will bear spiritual fruit that will last, even when your leadership ends. 你的企业是一个独立的法律实体,具有自己的形象、价值和文化。这种文化将决定你公司的运作方式、人们对它的看法以及它在世上最终能取得什么样的成果。营商事工是关于文化的转变。只有文化的更新才能确保公司结出持久的属灵果子,甚至在你对公司的领导结束之后。 Both you and your business are called to play a part in the ministry of business. Your business needs you to mould and lead it, changing its culture from the inside. If you are successful in this task, your business will become a context that helps nurture and sustain your own walk and witness. As importantly, it will also help to transform the lives of those around you, including your colleagues, customers and even your competitors. Finally, it will help to sustain your business as a Kingdom Business long after you have gone. 你和你的企业都被呼召在营商事工中发挥应有的作用。你的企业需要你去塑造和领导,从内部改变它的文化。如果你成功完成这个任务,你的企业将成为有助于养育和维持你自己的工作和见证的环境。同样重要的是,它还有助于改变你周围的人的生活,包括你的同事,客户甚至竞争对手。最后,它还将在你离开公司很长时间之后,保持企业仍是属神国度的企业。 At BizMin we are seeking Kingdom Entrepreneurs who will make their business their ministry. A key responsibility of the Kingdom Entrepreneur is to embed a Biblical way of doing business in their company. This is the pursuit of what we call a Kingdom Culture Company. 在 BizMin,我们寻找会将经商当成他们事工的国度企业家。国度企业家的一个主要责任就是在他们的公司中植入符合圣经原则的经商方式。这就是对所谓的国度文化公司的追求。 The diagram below illustrates how you’re personal transformation can ultimately establish and sustain a Kingdom culture in your company, such that it bears spiritual fruit and becomes resilient enough to outlast the company’s Christian founders. This is BizMin’s goal. 下图说明了你个人的改变如何可以最终在你的公司建立和维持一种国度文化,从而使它结属灵的果子,并有足够强大的生命力,对公司的影响比其基督徒创始人更持久。这就是 BizMin 的目标。 Reflection 反 思 Look at the diagram and mark where you and your company are on this journey, from Kingdom Entrepreneur to Kingdom Culture Company. In order to sustain this transformation in your own life and embed this in your company, it is helpful to regularly audit how you are doing. This is why we have created the BizMin Audit. 建立,You adopt it你采用它 你建立它,别人采用它 your company 它成为你公司的经营方式 时间,国度企业家 国度文化企业 Reinforce, celebrate & embed it in your culture 强化、赞美并将其融入公司的文化查看上图并标出你和你的公司在从国度企业家到国度文化公司这一旅途中的位置。为了在你自己的生活中维持这种转变,并将其植入你的公司,定期审核你做的怎样将很有帮助。这就是 为什么我们创建了 BizMin 审核。 Look back to the activity on Session 1.1 page 10 which explored the difference between the culture of business and the character of God and His Kingdom. 回顾第 1 课第 1 节“活动”标题下的内容,其中探讨了商业文化与上帝及其国度的品格之间的区别。 A Kingdom culture is often contrary to the prevailing business culture. We must actively swim against the tide if we are to see business transformed into a fruitful ministry and become part of a great move of God. 国度文化通常与盛行的商业文化背道而驰。如果我们想要将企业转变成富有成果的事工,并成为上帝伟大行动的一部分,就必须积极地逆流而上。 Reflection 反 思 Are you increasingly confident to swim against the tide of prevailing business culture and model a Kingdom Culture in your company? 活 动 商 业 更 新 (第 1 课) BizMin 回 顾 审 核 你是否越来越有信心对与盛行的商业文化逆流而上,并在你的公司中树立国度文化? Is there evidence that this is influencing the behaviour of others? 是否有证据表明这正在影响他人的行为? Pledge 1 – I recognise that business needs transformation through a great move of God and I will seek to play my part. 誓言 1 – 我认识到商业需要通过上帝的伟大行动来更新,我将努力在其中尽我的一份力量。 Joseph was spiritually gifted for business. Once he had learnt the essential ingredient of success and walked through the gateway of humility, his spiritual gifts were able to bear much fruit and achieve the primary purpose for which they were intended. Joseph demonstrated how God can achieve His purposes through gifted business leaders. 约瑟有经商的属灵天赋。一旦他了解了成功的基本要素并走过谦卑之门,他的属灵恩赐就可以结出很多果子,并实现其初衷。约瑟展示了上帝如何通过有天赋的商业领袖来实现祂的目的。 Teaching 教 导 Gifted for a Purpose (Session 2) 有 目 的 的 恩 赐 (第 2 课) 1. Activity 活 动 The record below your abilities/ gifts and God’s purpose for your company as recorded in Session 2.1 page 23 and Session 2.4 page 35. 在下面列出你在第 2 课第 1 节和第 2 课第 4 节写下的你的才能/天赋和上帝对你公司的目的。 Your abilities/ gifts 你的才能/天赋 God’s purpose 上帝的目的
Pledge 2 – I humbly acknowledge that it is God who has gifted me for His purposes. 誓言 2 – 我谦卑地承认,我的天赋是上帝为了祂的目的赐给我的。 天赋,谦卑之门,目的 1. God has a call on your life and has prepared you for ‘good work’. In Session 3, you established whether or not that was acall to a business. We believe God is calling a new generation of Christian Entrepreneurs to do business as ministry. We hope you feel equipped to press on and take up that calling. 上帝对你的一生有个呼召,并预备你做“善工”。在第 3 课中,你已经确定了这呼召是否是经商。我们相信上帝正在呼召新一代的基督徒企业家将经商当成事工。我们希望你觉得装备好了继续前行,接收这个呼召。 Reflection 反 思 Are you called to do business as ministry? 你被呼召将经商作为你的事工吗? Are you prepared to do business as ministry? 你准备好了将经商作为事工吗? 上帝预备好的善工 , 上帝预备你 你做善工 Called to Business (Session 3) 被 呼 召 经 商 (第 3 课) Are you committed to doing business as a ministry? 你致力于把经商作为事工吗? Pledge 3 – I will take up the call to do business as a ministry. 誓言 3 – 我将接受把经商作为事工的呼召。 At the core of BizMin is the idea that business should be transformed into a fruitful ministry. Our core belief is; if it is your business, it is also your ministry. A complete Christian ministry will ‘carry forth Christ’s mission in the world’ through a spirituality that balances Deed, Word and Spirit. BizMin 的核心思想是将业务转变为富有成果的事工。 我们的核心信念是; 如果是你的业务,那也是你的事工。 完整的基督徒事工将通过一种平衡循环,即圣经的话语、精神的灵性(圣灵)和行为来“执行基督在世界上的使命”。 圣灵,神的话 行为 ,事工 A Complete Ministry (Session 4) 全 备 的 事 工 ( 第 4 课 ) Do you have examples of how you and your company are doing ministry in each area? 你能举例说明你和你的公司在各个领域都在做事工吗? Deed 行为 Word 话语 Spirit 圣灵 How might you and your company take practical steps to become a more complete ministry? 你和你的公司将如何采取切实可行的步骤来达成更全备的事工? Pledge 4 – I will make my business a complete ministry with equal emphasis on Deed, Word and Spirit. 誓言 4 – 我将使我的企业成为一个对行为、神的话和圣灵同等注重的全备的事工。 As Kingdom Entrepreneurs, we must balance work with care sothat our good works are sustainable. To do this successfully, we need to pursue a godly vision of prosperity. Reflection 反 思 The Creation Mandate (Session 5) 被 造 的 使 命 (第 5 课) 做为国度企业家,我们必须在工作与看顾护理之间取得平衡,以使我们的善工可以持续。为了成功做到这一点,我们需要追求神眼中的富裕。 Reflection 反 思 Are you living within the moral limits of Biblical prosperity? 你是否生活在符合圣经富裕观的道德界限内? Is your business trading off and promoting a way of life that is sustainable within the moral limits of Biblical prosperity? 你的企业是否是在符合圣经富裕观的道德界限内权衡并促进一种可持续的生活方式? 贫 穷 、欲 望、需 要符合圣经原则的富裕区间、知 足、富 裕 道德界限 Pledge 5 – I will sustain fruitfulness by pursuing a Biblical vision of prosperity that balances work with care. 誓言 5 – 我将通过追求保持工作与看顾护理之间平衡的、符合圣经原则的富裕观来持续结果子。 A Kingdom Business will demonstrate love for God, our business neighbours and ourselves. 国度企业将表现出对上帝、我们的商业邻居和我们自己的爱。 Activity 活 动 On the diagram below, mark how you and your company are currently expressing love. Join up the dots to reveal the current ‘shape’ of your company. Who is receiving the most love? Who might you need to love more? 在下图标记你和你的公司目前如何表达爱。把点连起来呈现你公司目前的“形状”。谁得到最多的爱?你可能需要爱谁更多? The Great Commandment (Session 6) 大 诫 命 (第 6 课) Pledge 6 – I will love God, my neighbours and myself, in and through my business. 誓言 6 – 我将通过我的商业经营来爱神,爱我的邻居和爱我自己。 A Kingdom Business will do good work that wins the respect of those with whom it works. It will model Christ and help both us and others to know Christ and become more Christ-like. 股东 客户 The Great Commission (Session 7) 大 使 命 (第 7 课) 国度企业将做好工作来赢得与之合作的人们的尊重。它将效仿基督,并帮助我们和其他人来认识基督并变得更像基督。 Are you modelling Christ at work? 你在工作中效法基督吗? 反 思、门徒训练过程、我们的工作、我们学习、我们应用、我们示范、我们作见证、其他人学习、其他人经历 上帝的工作、其他人相信、其他人作见证、上帝的方式 Pledge 7 – I will not be ashamed of the gospel and will respectfully model Christ at work. 誓言 7 – 我将不以福音为耻并在职场谦卑地效法基督。 If we are to prosper in business, we must master money. We must proactively pursue purpose before profit, adding value across multiple bottom lines. A generous spirit should underpin all that we do. 如果我们想要企业兴盛,就必须掌控金钱。我们必须积极主动地在追求赢利之前追求使命,在多个领域中增加价值。慷慨的精神应贯穿我们所做的一切。 Activity 活 动 On the diagram below, mark the impact you and your company is currently making in each area of value. 在下图标出你和你的公司目前在每个有价值的领域所产生的影响。 Profiting through Purpose (Session 8) 透 过 使 命 盈 利 (第 8 课) and upheld Pledge 8 – I will profit through purpose and will be extravagantly generous with all that I receive. 誓言 8 – 我将透过使命来盈利,并非常慷慨地对待我所得到的一切。 As Christ-like leaders, we must recognise our place in God’s hierarchy. We must remain both under Christ and in Christ. Out of this, we can serve others and prayerfully lead our companies in a spiritual battle that advances the front-line of the Kingdom 使用价值 A Fruitful Ministry (Session 9) 富 有 成 果 的 事 工 (第 9 课) of God and, when we have done everything, stand. Then our ministry will bear spiritual fruit for the praise of His glory. 作为基督那样的领袖,我们必须认识到我们在上帝等级制度中的地位。我们必须保持既在基督之下又在基督里。由此,我们可以服务他人,并靠着祷告带领我们的企业打一场推进神国前线的属灵战争,在我们成就了一切之后,还能站立得住。这样,我们的事工就会因赞美神的荣耀而结出属灵的果子。 Are there any areas of your business that you are struggling to bring under the authority of Christ? Take a moment to pray into these issues, and stand. 在你的企业里,有没有一些领域你很难把它置于基督的权柄之下?花点时间为这些问题祷告。 我的生意、我的家庭、我的生活、属灵前线的扩展、我教会 Reflection 反 思 Pledge 9 – I will remain both in and under Christ, bearing spiritual fruit for the praise of His glory. 誓言 9 – 我将保持在基督里和在基督的权柄之下,并为赞美祂的荣耀去结出属灵的果子。 Throughout this course, we have built a vision for how a business can become a fruitful ministry. We need to humbly recognise that the goal is not perfection but direction. 在这个课程中,我们为一个企业如何成为一个富有成果的事工建立了愿景。我们要谦卑地认识到我们的目的不是完美而是方向。 In ‘Life Together Dietrich Bonhoeffer wisely identifies the dangers for those who set their love and pursuit of a vision of something above their love of the reality of that thing. He writes; ’He who loves his dream of a community more than the Christian community itself becomes a destroyer of the latter, even though his personal intentions may be ever so honest and earnest and sacrificial.’ We might rephrase this as; those who love their dream of what a Kingdom Business could be more than they love their colleagues, customers and competitors will become a destroyer of their dream. We must guard against the pursuit of an idealistic vision for our business. This is a humble venture rooted in grace. We do not believe it is necessary or even beneficial to make our ways ‘law’. Culture is ‘the way we do things around here’ rather than ‘the things you must do around here. A healthy culture has willing participants. All we can do in light of this is what has become our mantra at BizMin. That is; press on to take hold. 教 导、竭 力 追 求 Dietrich Bonhoeffer 在《共同的生活》一书中明智地写到,那些将自己的爱和对事物愿景的追求置于对事物真实性的热爱之上的人所面临的危险。他写到:“那些热爱自己的社区梦想比热爱基督教社区本身更多的人,将成为基督教社区的毁灭者,即使他个人的意图可能是如此诚实,认真和无私。”我们可以把这段话改写为:那些热爱他们的国度企业之梦想比热爱他们的同事、客户和竞争对手更多的人,将成为他们自己梦想的破坏者。我们必须防止追求企业的理想化愿景。这是植根于恩典的谦卑的探险。我们不认为让自己的方法成为“法律”是有必要甚至有好处的。文化是“这是我们做事的方式”,而不是“这事你必须这样做”。健康的文化有自愿的参与者。鉴于此,我们所能做的就是成为 BizMin 口头禅的:竭力追求。 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider me yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. 这不是说我已经得着了,已经完全了;我乃是竭力追求,或者可以得着基督耶稣所以得着我的(或译:所要我得的)。弟兄们,我不是以为自己已经得着了;我只有一件事,就是忘记背后,努力面前的,向着标竿直跑,要得神在基督耶稣里从上面召我来得的奖赏。 Philippians腓立比书3.12-14 Pledge 10 – I will ‘press on to take hold of my ministry, upholding andrevisiting each of the BizMin pledges. 誓言 10 – 我将“竭力追求”我的事工,坚持并重温每堂 BizMin 课的誓言。 Take a moment to pray for one another. It is important to be commissioned into your new role as a Kingdom Entrepreneur. 花一点时间互相祷告。被委任到国度企业家的新角色是重要的。 Share your reflections on the course. 分享你对本课程的想法。 Write down your plans for the next month, the next year, the next 5 years and beyond. 写下下个月,明年,和未来 5 年及以后的计划。 委 任 Discussion 讨 论 Consider how you might stay connected with other Kingdom Entrepreneurs who can encourage you to press on and take hold… 考虑一下你如何与其他能鼓励你持之以恒的国度企业家保持联系
Close the session with a short time of prayer. 简短祷告后结束会议。