Have you ever found the decision about what to do with your life a difficult one? Take a moment to reflect on how you ended up in your current role. How would you describe God’s hand in this? Write down the highlights and, if you can, share a key moment with the group.
Have you ever felt pressure to go into some form of full-time
church ministry?
反 思 祷 告 你知道你的呼召吗?
Open the session with a short time of prayer.
If ‘yes, is this having an effect on your commitment to your current role?
You may have found yourself wondering if the time you are spending at work could be better spent in a church ministry. You may even have felt guilty about your passion for your work and the limited time you seem to be able to give to the ‘work of the church’. You are not alone.
There is a powerful moment in the early years of William Wilberforce, one of the great political reformers who is famous for his role in the abolition of the slave trade. He, like many believers, was deliberating over his calling and what path he should follow. He questioned whether his renewed awareness of God should lead him away from an emerging career in politics and into a church ministry. His great friend and soon-to-be Prime Minister, William Pitt, arranged for abolitionists to come to his home and encourage him to recognise that his calling, even his ministry, was in fact best achieved in and through a career in politics. The meeting is recorded in the film ‘Amazing Grace’ and closes with the powerful and life-changing remark; “We understand you are having problems choosing
Teaching 教 导
whether to do the work of God or the work of a political activist. We humbly suggest that you can do both.”
因在废除奴隶贩卖运动中所扮演的角色而闻名的伟大的政治改革家威廉·威尔伯福斯(William Wilberforce),年轻时曾有个对他一生影响重大的时刻。像许多信徒一样,他曾郑重思考自己的呼召以及他应该走的路。他问自己是否应该藉着他对上帝的重新认识离开他正在显现的政治生涯,转而进入教会事工。他的好朋友,即将成为总理的威廉·皮特(William Pitt)安排废奴主义者们到他家去鼓励他认清,实事上他的呼召甚至他的事工只有在他的政治生涯中并通过他的政治生涯才能取得最大的成就。这一会面记录在电影《奇异恩典》中,电影以有力而改变人生的评论结束:“我们知道你目前难于抉择是做上帝的工作还是做政治活动家的工作,我们诚恳地指出你两者可以同时做到。”
Do you believe that a career in politics was Wilberforce’s ministry?
BizMin believes that a career in business and a fruitful Christian ministry are not mutually exclusive. You can in fact do both! This course is designed to reveal how.
BizMin 认为经商生涯和富有成果的基督事工并非互相排斥。实事上,你可以两者兼顾!本课程旨在揭示如何做到这一点。
We believe:if it’s your business, it’s your ministry.
我们相信; 如果这是你的商业经营,那它就是你的事工。
Discussion 讨 论
Teaching 教 导
life-changing Wilberforce’s God-given passion for the abolition of the slave trade was best served through a dedicated career in politics. That was where his God-given role and responsibility lay. Some fifteen painful years later, his tireless campaign in the House of Commons resulted in the abolition of the slave trade
across the British Empire; possibly the greatest moment in one of the great ministries of the nineteenth century. If you are having similar problems choosing whether to do the work of God or the work of a business leader, we would also humbly suggest that you should do both. Great things may yet depend on it.
Discussion 讨 论
Wilberforce found it hard to see how a career in politics could be the work of God. Do you struggle to see how a career in business can be the work of God?
Teaching 讨 论
Throughout history people have struggled to see how work and ministry can combine. Even Jesus had to struggle against this prejudice. His peers could not see how someone from the marketplace could possibly be spiritual.
When Jesus had finished these parables, he moved on from there. Coming to his home town, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. ‘Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?’ they asked. ‘Isn’t this the carpenter’s son?Where then did this man get all these things?’ And they took offence at him.
The Apostle Paul was famously a tentmaker and an apostle. He clearly moved quite seamlessly between work and witness. It would be interesting to know if the early church saw him more as a tentmaker who preached or a preacher who made tents. We are not sure that he would care much for the distinction. His work was fully integrated with his ministry and he was never ashamed of his work.
Do you think that Paul was working equally for the Lord in both activities?
What Paul himself made clear is that we all have to work and, whatever you do, you should ‘work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters’ (Colossians 3:23).
保罗本人明确表示,我们每个人都必须工作,而且无论做什么,你都应“从心里做,像是给主做的,不是给人做的”(歌罗西书 3:23)。
Reflection 反 思
Would you consider yourself to be currently working ‘for the Lord’ or ‘for human masters’?
Discussion 讨 论
Are you doing it with ‘all your heart’? If not, what is holding youback?
After the 1666 ‘Great Fire of London’, the world famous architect Christopher Wren was commissioned to rebuild St
Paul’s Cathedral. One day in 1671, Wren observed three bricklayers on a scaffold. He asked each of them “what are you doing?” The first bricklayer, the least productive of the three, replied “I am laying bricks.” The second bricklayer replied, “I am building a wall.” The third bricklayer, the most productive of the three, replied, “I am building a great cathedral for The Almighty.”
1666 年的“伦敦大火”之后,世界著名的建筑师克里斯托弗·雷恩(Christopher Wren)受委托重建圣保罗大教堂。
1671 年的一天,雷恩在脚手架上观察三个瓦工。他问他们每个人“你在做什么?”第一个瓦工,三个瓦工中效率最低的,回答说“我在铺砖”。第二个瓦工回答说“我在筑墙。” 第三位瓦工,三个瓦工中效率最高的,回答说:“我正在为全能者建
Teaching 教 导
Are you aware that your work is ‘for The Almighty’?
The third bricklayer had a greater awareness that he was working for the Lord. How might this awareness effect our
attitude to work?
Discussion 讨 论
铺砖 筑墙为全能者建造
Do you see a connection between how you have been created,as God’s handiwork, and your work?
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to dogood works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Works. 圣经清楚地表明我们被造都是为了行善。
上 帝预 备我们做善工 上帝完美的创造 上帝预备你你做善工
Do you see your current work as a ‘good work’?
Do you recognize that your work was prepared in advance for you to do?
Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him since Jesus was coming that way. When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.’ So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. All the people saw this and began to mutter, ‘He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.’ But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, ‘Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.’
Discuss the difference in this passage between Jesus’ attitude to a man from the marketplace and that of ‘all the people’.
What was the impact of Jesus’ attitude on Zacchaeus and on his approach to his work?
Discussion 讨 论
Jesus was comfortable being in the company of business people. Encountering Jesus transformed Zacchaeus’ attitude to the way he did business. He went from self-centred to servant, and miser to minister, overnight. Why do you think Jesus didn’t ask him to leave his work and ‘follow me as he had done with the twelve disciples?
Do you think collecting taxes is a ‘good work’? Could this have been Zaccheus’ God-given calling; a work prepared in advance for him? It may help to consider what the consequences for society would be if taxes were not collected and by a Godfearing Christian.
Teaching 教 导
Jesus had a broad view of what constitutes a ‘good work’. Here is a good example.
Eric Liddell was one of Britain’s greatest sprinters and an unashamedly fearless man of God. He also knew well the
tension between wanting to be active in both a church ministry and the world of sport. He famously ran for Britain in the 1924 Olympics in Paris. It was not easy for everyone to accept that Eric’s ability to run was a gift from God, let alone his calling.
There is a wonderful line in the film made about his story called ‘Chariots of Fire’ that illustrates this. Eric is talking with his Christian sister. She is deeply concerned with his growing commitment to running and seeks to convince him to go into the mission field in China; a place to which he later went and died young.
埃里克·利德尔(Eric Liddell)是英国最优秀的短跑运动员之一,也是个坦然无惧的属神的人。他也很清楚地知道积极参
加教会事工并同时活跃在体育界两者之间的张力。他因为在1924 年巴黎奥运会上为英国那次赛跑而出名。并不是每个人都能接受埃里克的奔跑能力是上帝的恩赐,更不用说是上帝对他的呼召了。以他的故事为蓝本的电影《烈火战车》中一个精彩的情节表现了这一点,埃里克在与他是基督徒的妹妹交谈,他妹妹对他在跑步上不断增加的投入深感担忧,并试图说服他去中国传教,一个他后来去了并很年轻就死在那里的地方。
On one occasion they are walking on the hills above Edinburgh. Eric’s response to her pleas is delightful. He says to his sister; “Jenny, I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast,” and he pauses as if lost in the memories of those moments on the race track, ”and when I run, I feel His pleasure.” Eric had discovered that running was a gift and one, like all gifts, that revealed God’s call on his life. He knew that running was a ‘good work’ and felt God’s affirmation when he did it.
有一个场景是他们在爱丁堡的山上行走。埃里克对她恳求的反应非常有趣。他对他妹妹说;“珍妮,我相信上帝造我是有目的的,但祂也使我跑得快。”他停顿下来,好像迷失在跑道上那些瞬间的记忆中,“当我奔跑时,我感受到祂的喜悦。” 埃里克发现跑步是个恩赐,并且像所有的恩赐一样,揭示了上帝对他生命的呼召。他知道跑步是一项“善工”,并且当他做这善工时,他感受到上帝的肯定。
At the 1924 Olympics, Eric got into the squad and was to run in the 100m race. Much to Eric’s disappointment, the final of the 100m race was to be held on a Sunday. Eric was not willing to run on the Sabbath and was even prepared to resist the pleas from the Royal Family for him to run. Despite their attempts to persuade him otherwise he did not run and his stance on the Sabbath became a media sensation. His story and witness did not end there though. A place was found for him to run in the 400m final. It was a race that was to cement his witness in
history. Running, clutching the scripture ‘He that honours me,I will honor,’ which had been given to him by a fellow Christian competitor, he famously went on to win the gold medal in style.
在 1924 年奥运会上,埃里克被选中参加 100 米比赛。令埃里克失望的是,100 米决赛将在周日举行。埃里克不愿意在安息日跑步,他甚至准备抵制王室对他参加决赛的请求。尽管王室试图说服他,然而他还是没有参赛,他对安息日的立场引起了媒体的轰动。不过他的故事和见证并没有到此为止,400 米决赛给了他一个参赛的机会,而这场比赛巩固了他的历史见证。奔跑着,手持一位基督徒竞争对手给他的经文“尊重我的,我必重看他”,他最终广为人知地成功赢得了金牌。
His decision not to race on the Sabbath, in obedience to God, gained international exposure and was still being remembered when the Olympics were held in London in 2012 through a specially commissioned theatre production of the film ‘Chariots of Fire’. There was even an article in an Indian newspaper that same year, focused, not on his winning, but on his stance on the Sabbath. In that one stand for Christ, a stand facilitated by his God-given gift for running, Eric achieved lasting fruit for the Kingdom of God. Even athletics is a ‘good work’ if that is what you were created for!
他顺服神不在安息日参加比赛的决定让世界瞩目,并为人们所纪念,2012 年伦敦奥运会还特别委托制作了电影《烈火战车》的舞台剧。同年,印度一家报纸甚至还发表了一篇文章,文章的重点不是他的获胜,而是他对安息日的立场。在为着基督的立场上,这个有上帝赐予的擅长奔跑的恩赐为支持的立场上,埃里克为上帝的国度取得了持久的成果。如果你为此被造,那么即使是体育运动也是一项“善工”!
You are uniquely made as God’s handiwork for a specific purpose; this is your ‘good work’.
Are you clear on what you are called to? If you are a Christian, God has a purpose for your life, a ‘good work’ for your gifts, and ultimately, a contribution you are called to make towards achieving His purposes in our generation.
If you are a Christian and in business, especially a Christian who owns or leads a business, it follows that one of these three options is true for you:
A fruitful role in business is God’s calling on my life
I am called to be fruitful in something other than business
I am not called to be fruitful
Which of these three statements best describes you?
你被呼 召经商 吗?
Reflection 反 思
If you are a Christian, option C cannot be true.
如果你是基督徒,选项 C 不能为真。C
‘This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.’
There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
John约翰福音15:8 1Corint 林 前12:6
If you are not sure whether A or B is true for you then here are four questions that may help.
如果你不能确定 A 或是 B 符合你,那么以下四个问题会有所帮助。
1. Are you gifted at business? Do ventures prosper when you’re involved?
When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did the Lord
blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph.
他主人见耶和华与他同在,又见耶和华使他手里所办的尽都顺利 ,耶和华就因约瑟的缘故赐福与那埃及人的家。
2. Does business excite you? Do you have a business idea and a passion to run a business?
Howard Thurman
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is
people who have come alive.
不要问世界需要什么。问什么使你活着,然后去做。因为世界需要的是活着的人。恩赐 热情
Reflection 反 思
3. Are you a generous and joyful giver?
The question is not how much of my money I give to God, but rather how much of God’s money I keep for myself.
4. Do you have the essential ingredient for success; humility?
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.
Break into small groups of 3 or 4. Consider the categories below. Within your group, each share which category
you think you fall into.
分成 3 或 4 个小组,思考下面的分类。每人在组内分享你自己所属的类别。 慷慨 谦卑
Activity 活 动
You answered ‘yes’ You answered ‘yes’ to You answered ‘no’ to to all 4 questions question 1 and 2, but question 1 and/or 2 ‘no’ to question 3 and/or 4
你对所有四个问题 你对问题 1 和 2 回答了 你对问题 1 和/或 2都回答了“是” “是”,但对问题 3 都回答了“否”和/或 4 回答了“否”
As a group, take time to pray for the people in each category:
Called & clear 清楚自己被呼召
Affirm and encourage those who are clear in their calling. Pray that they continue to press on to take hold of their calling.
Called but challenged 被呼召但有挑战
For each person in this group, identify the particular area they find challenging (generosity or humility). They will
need both in order to make their business a fruitful
清楚自己被呼召 被呼召但有挑战 可能未被呼召经商
ministry. Support them in prayer, seeking God’s help in resolving issues.
Not called to business leadership 未被呼召做商业领袖
There may be people in your group who are not called to be in business. For some, this will not be an issue (e.g.
church leaders or anyone with a general interest in the course). For others, this may be an unexpected outcome.
Pray that they would receive the courage they will need to discover and pursue their true calling.
Regardless of which category you fall into, you will need support going forward. Consider sharing your findings
with a spiritual friend. As you take up your calling, you are going to need their prayers and encouragement in
the adventure that lies ahead. We hope that you feel endorsed by both God and your church in your calling.
We hope that you feel called to business.
Teaching 教 导
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for
which Christ Jesus took hold of me.
The Apostle Paul recognised that he had not yet arrived at his goal. We must, like him, proactively press on to
take hold of this calling if we are to make business a fruitful ministry.
We hope you feel inspired to make your business your ministry. The rest of this course will help in that task. We
want you to be established and robust in your calling. It is time to press on and take hold of the good works that
God has prepared you for. Both the world of business and the Kingdom of God need people like you to take up
this calling into business.
We hope you feel clear in your calling, ready to press on and take hold of your ministry. We hope that it is
a calling to do business as a ministry.
Close the session with a short time of prayer. Ask God to affirm you in your calling and give you the courage to take
hold of that ‘for which Christ Jesus took hold of’ you.
Open the session with a short time of prayer.
At the core of BizMin is the idea that business can be transformed into a Christian ministry. This session will explore
the nature of Christian ministry and how your business can systematically become a fruitful ministry. We believe that if it is your business, it is also your ministry.
BizMin 课程的核心思想是商业经营可以变成一个主内事工。 本课将探讨主内事工的性质,以及如何系统性地将你的商业经营转变成一个富有成果的事工。我们相信,如果这是你的商业经营,那么它就是你的事工。
Reflection 反 思
Imagine serving God faithfully every day, becoming a person who walks by faith, practicing what you preach and trusting God for your daily provision. You are confident in God’s calling, free from worry, and clear in purpose. You know you are engaged in a good work to which you have been called, and others support and endorse you in this. At the end of your days, when it is all done, you will look back with satisfaction and look forward with anticipation of treasure stored in heaven and the words “Well done, good and faithful servant! Come and share your master’s happiness!” You will have lived a truly prosperous and satisfying life; one lived to the full. Wow, it sounds amazing! It sounds like what all Christians long for. It sounds like a life spent in fruitful ministry.
Does this describe your life?
Always 总是 A
Sometimes 有时是
Maybe someday 可能将来某一天是 C
The Encyclopaedia of Christianity Online defines ministry as ‘carrying forth Christ’s mission in the world’ and states that this is ‘fundamentally the task of the church, the whole people of God, and is conferred on each Christian in baptism.’
Discuss whether you agree with this definition of ministry. Write your own definition.
Discussion 讨 论
Do you think business can become a Christian ministry?
The term that we translate as ‘ministry’ is from the Greek word ‘Diakonia, meaning, ‘to serve.’ Discuss how an attitude of service, rather than self-interest, might transform the prevailing culture of business.
1.What are the primary activities and purposes of a business?
Activity 活动
Purpose 目的
2.Take a moment to consider some of the more fruitful church ministries that you are aware of. What are the primary activities and purposes of these traditional Christian ministries?
Activity 活动
Purpose 目的
Discuss the similarities and differences, identifying potential areas of overlap and conflict, between the activities of a business and those of a church ministry.
Consider how church and business have complementary roles and can work in partnership to achieve God’s purposes for the wellbeing of society.
Discussion 讨 论
Consider how business might remove or reduce the demand for many church ministries, enabling the Church to focus its resources on its primary ministries of preaching the gospel and equipping the saints for works of service.
We believe that church and business are two complementary elements in God’s plan for society.
Consider what the passages below tell us about the relationship between business and ministry.
Activity 活 动
Yet we urge you, brothers and sisters…to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: you should mind your own
business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.
1 Thess.帖前4:10b-12 , Colossians歌罗西书3:23-24
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
A business can become a fruitful Christian ministry. The business could be an essential partner to the Church in
carrying forth Christ’s mission in the world.
Business as a ministry is about the outworking of our faith and Business as a ministry is about the outworking of our faith and Christ’s mission in the context of our business. The Bible encourages God’s people to express the work of Christ in a balanced manner. Different streams and traditions within the Christian community can be prone to place the emphasis of this outworking quite differently. The diagram below illustrates the three broad areas of emphasis by which God’s people ‘carry forth Christ’s mission in the world’. These are Spirit, Word and Deeds.
行为, 圣灵, 事工, 神的话,
Throughout history Christians have struggled to maintain a well-balanced approach to all three, tending towards a spirituality that favors one or two, but rarely all three. Our goal is for your business to be a complete ministry. This requires actively balancing all three.
The following pages contain stories of Kingdom Entrepreneurs who have demonstrated how each has been outworked in their business.
As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.
Teaching 教 导、行为
SIR TITUS SALT 泰特斯∙索特爵士 (1803-1876)
Titus Salt was more than a gifted businessman. What made him unique to many other industrialists of the Industrial Revolution was his compassion for his employees and the practical manner by which he demonstrated his faith. Moved by the squalid conditions, his workers were living in, he decided to do something about it. With over two hundred factory chimneys continually churning out black, sulfurous smoke, the northern England town of Bradford had gained a reputation for being the most polluted town in England. Salt was one of the few employers in the town who showed any concern for the problem. After much experimentation, he discovered a burner that produced very little pollution and in 1842 he arranged for these burners to be used in all his factories. When he realised other factory owners and the council were unwilling to take action over the pollution, he decided to move his operations out of Bradford.
泰特斯·索特(Titus Salt)不仅仅是个有天赋的商人。使他在工业革命时期众多的实业家中独树一帜的是他对员工的同情,以及他用实际行动展现他信仰的方式。有感于他的员工肮脏的生活环境,他决定为此做点事。随着 200 多个工厂烟囱不断发出黑色的含硫烟雾,英格兰北部城镇布拉德福德(Bradford)成为英格兰污染最严重的城镇。索特是镇上少数几个对这个问题表示担忧的雇主之一。经过大量的实验,他发现了一种产生污染极小的燃烧器,并于 1842 年将这些燃烧器用于所有他自己的工厂。当意识到其他工厂老板和议会不愿对污染采取行动时,他决定将他的工厂搬出布拉德福德。
Salt consolidated his factories into one large factory and called the new complex Saltaire. Built-in 1853, ‘Saltaire was so bold in its conception, so extensive in its design, so complete in its execution, that it placed the owner on a pinnacle of fame, without a rival’. Suffice to say, it was a special and well-respected new community. The factory complex was located on the banks of the River Aire and included a village for Salt’s employees. He not only pioneered cleaner production; he also provided his workers with good quality homes in a healthy environment.
索特将他的工厂合并为一个大工厂,并称新的综合性厂区为索尔泰尔(Saltaire)。建于 1853 年的索尔泰尔,“其构思如此大胆,设计如此深入,执行如此完善,以至于使它的拥有者名声大震,毫无对手”。不夸张地说,这是一个特别且非常受人尊敬的新社区。综合厂区位于艾尔(Aire)河沿岸,其中还包括一个供索特的员工居住的村落。他不仅开创了清洁生产的先河,还为他的员工在健康的环境中提供了优质的家。
His village included shops, a church, and schools for both adults and children. The community of Saltaire was seen as an example of a village ‘which embraced architectural comfort and at the same time moral order in a paternalistic community.’ Salt proved that it was possible to be highly successful in the textiles industry without exploiting his workers. He took practical steps which demonstrated that a successful business could care for its employees. His Christian compassion was demonstrated by his deeds.
Salt was a generous man and a great philanthropist of the Victorian age. He helped his workers achieve unprecedented living standards for the time. He had a reputation for generously rewarding his employees and in 1857 he hired three trains to transport around 2,500 workers to the Exhibition of the Art Treasures of
the United Kingdom. When he died in 1876, although he had been an extremely rich man, his family was horrified that his fortune was gone. It has been estimated that during his life he had given away over £500,000 to good causes, a huge sum in the mid 19th century.
索特是一位慷慨的人,是维多利亚时代的伟大慈善家。他帮助他的员工达到了那个时代从未有过的生活水平。他享有慷慨奖励员工的声誉,1857 年,他租用了三列火车运送大约 2500 名工人参加英国艺术珍品展。当他于 1876 年去世时,尽管他曾是个非常富有的人,他的家人震惊地发现他的财富全没了。据估计,他一生中捐出了超过 500,000 英镑用于公益事业,这在 19 世纪中叶是一个巨大的数目。
Salt believed that by helping his employees to live healthier life he was doing God’s work. He was a devout Christian and his coat of arms read, ‘what not by the help of God?’ He was committed to applying his faith through practical action that showed God’s love and compassion holistically for those in his care.
Titus Salt showed his faith by his deeds.
How did Salt’s approach to business demonstrate faith through deeds?
Is your approach to business revealing your faith through your
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1 Corinth.哥林多前1:23a
but we preach Christ crucified…
SIR JOHN LAING 约翰·莱因爵士(1879-1978)
John Laing was a successful construction entrepreneur, creating one of the largest construction companies in the UK. The Laing family belonged to a thriving Brethren church in Carlisle, where John Laing learned to rely heavily on the wisdom of the Bible. He was committed to his evangelical beliefs and sought to apply God’s Word to his business.
约翰·莱因(John Laing)是一位成功的建筑企业家,创建了英国最大的建筑公司之一。莱因家族属于卡莱尔(Carlisle)一个蓬勃发展的弟兄会教会,在那里约翰·莱因学会了全心依赖圣经的智慧。他投身于他的福音信仰,并努力将上帝的话
Laing became a Christian at the age of seven and was passionate about sharing the gospel. On one occasion, when he was waiting to receive an honor from the Queen, he asked the person standing next to him whether he was ready to be received in the court of heaven. He sought to never miss an opportunity to preach Christ, whatever the context.
Laing had high standards and could be tough on staff, but he was also generous and took a very personal interest in his employees. On one occasion he found a man looking tired on-site and asked what the matter was. The man told him he was having to do the housework and look after his children before starting work at 7am, because his wife was ill. Laing disappeared, only to return and give the man two weeks off with full pay. On getting home, the man discovered that Laing had been and checked out his story, leaving £5 on the kitchen table; a generous
gift at the time.
莱因有高的标准,对员工严格,但他也很慷慨,亲自关心他的员工。有一次,他在现场发现一个人看着很疲倦,便问他怎么回事。这人告诉他,他的妻子病了,所以他得在早上 7 点上班前做家务并照顾孩子。莱因离开了一会儿又回来,给了这人两周的全薪假。这人到家后才知道莱因到过他家查看情况,并在厨房的桌子上留下了5 英镑,这在当时是一份慷慨的礼物。
Laing was also a pioneer of professional cost estimating. In his day clients would often only discover that their budget was going to be exceeded as the project neared completion, with resulting losses and disputes. He revolutionized his industry by taking Jesus at His word. In Luke 14.28 Jesus says; “Suppose one of
you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” Laing made sure that his company did just that. This is a good example of how he explicitly applied the Word to his work. Today, the whole industry is doing this particular aspect of business God’s way!
莱因还是专业成本估算的先驱。在那个时代,客户通常只会在项目快完成时才发现他们的预算将被超出,从而造成损失和纠纷。他信靠耶稣用祂的话革命性地改变了他所在的行业。路加福音 14 章 28 节耶稣说:“你们哪一个要盖一座楼,不先坐下算计花费,能盖成不能呢?”莱因要他的公司设法这样做。这是一个很好的例子,说明他如何在工作中明确地运用神的话。如今,整个行业在这个方面都在按照上帝的方式做!
Laing’s commitment to God’s Word led him to begin practices like sick pay, pension schemes, and pay during poor weather lay-offs, long before these practices were required by law. Laing also used his business to quite literally build God’s Kingdom. On completing the building of Coventry Cathedral, he returned the profit to the church. He also built many churches at a cost price and when the company built houses, they would build extra houses for missionaries at the same time. As his business prospered, he also went on to become a significant funder of various Bible colleges and student outreach organizations. Whenever he called by, his question was the same; ‘How many students have become Christians thisweek?’
Laing sought to practice what he preached. He was a man committed to applying the Word of God and his evangelical fervor to and through his business activities and the other ministries it helped enable.
How did God’s word influence Laing’s business practice?
Reflection 思 考
Are you able to ‘practice what you preach’? Are you allowing
God’s word to influence the policies and practices of your
你是否能够“践行你所传扬的”? 你是否让神的话来影响你公
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My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s
power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.
1 Corinth.哥林多前2:4-5
LOWELL ‘BUD’ PAXSON 洛威尔·巴德·帕克森(1935-2015)
Bud Paxson founded the Home Shopping Network in the US and later became an evangelical Christian who pioneered PAX TV, the largest family-friendly television network. This is his story. In 1986, four years after he founded the Home Shopping Network, it was experiencing meteoric growth. Paxson was traveling all over the
world and was away from home 260 days a year. His financial position exploded, but so too did his marriage. On Christmas Day 1986, Paxson’s wife broke the news that she was leaving him. He considered this the lowest point of his life. “I was absolutely and completely bankrupt. I was a millionaire, yet all of my success was worthless because I had lost my wife and wasn’t close to my kids” recalls Paxson. His Christmas gift to the family for 1986 had already been arranged; a trip to Las Vegas. His adult children urged him to go, despite the news from his wife, so
Paxson headed to Vegas. On New Year’s Eve, after all the festivities had ended, he remained unable to sleep. At 4am, he felt an urge to read the Bible, something he
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hadn’t done since he was a child at Sunday school. Locating one in a drawer next to the bed, he read Romans 5:8; ‘But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us’ and gave his heart to Christ. It was the turning point in his life. Paxson had an insatiable appetite for learning the Bible and with the help of a local pastor, he began to truly understand how to live a life committed to Jesus Christ.
巴德·帕克森(Bud Paxson)在美国创建了家庭购物网,他后来成为一名福音派基督徒,是他率先开发了最大的适合家庭的 PAX TV 电视网。下面是他的故事。1986年,在帕克森创建家庭购物网四年后,它正经历着飞速的发展。帕克森在全世界旅行,一年内 260 天都不在家。他的经济状况爆炸性发展,但同时他的婚姻也破裂了。
1986 年圣诞节那天,帕克森的妻子发布消息说她要离开他。他认为这是他一生中的最低谷。“我绝对彻底地破产了。我曾经是百万富翁,但我所有的成功都一文不值,因为我失去了妻子,和孩子们也不亲近。”帕克森回忆说。他给家人 1986 年的圣诞节礼物已经安排好了:去拉斯维加斯旅行。尽管有他妻子已发布的消息,他已成年的子女还是劝他去,所以帕克森去了拉斯维加斯。除夕之夜,在所有庆祝活动结束后,他无法入睡。凌晨 4 点,他感到非常想读圣经,这是他从小时候主日学之后就从未做过的事情。他在床边的抽屉里找到一本圣经,读到了罗马书 5:8“惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死,神的爱就在此向我们显明了。”这是他一生的转折点。自此帕克森如饥似渴地学习圣经,在当地牧师的帮助下,他开始真正地明白了如何过一个委身耶稣基督的生活。
His business practices began to change too and the Home Shopping Network flourished. When he sold the company, his take was $118M. At this point, Paxson could have retired and/or given the money to charity. Instead, he used the money to buy local television stations at a time when many were selling. Although the plan to purchase these apparently failing television stations seemed illogical, the Lord had given Paxson peace about the plan. It paid off when, soon after, a Supreme Court decision imposed a ‘must-carry rule mandating that cable operators include all broadcast stations in a given market on their channel offerings. This greatly increased the value of the supposedly worthless stations he had just purchased. He then parlayed these acquisitions into the creation of the
television network PAX TV which he used to combat what he called ‘the moral manure’ found on television. He pledged that Pax (the Roman word for peace) would not air gratuitous sex, violence, or bad language. “I want it to be parables and storytelling, which is what Jesus did”.
他的经商方式也开始发生变化,而家庭购物网也蓬勃发展。后来他以 1.18 亿美元卖掉了公司。此时,帕克森本可以退休或将钱捐给慈善机构。但趁着当时许多无线电视台在出售,他用这笔钱购买了当地的无线电视台。尽管购买这些已然衰败的无线电视台似乎不合逻辑,但上帝给了帕克森执行这个计划的平安。不久之后,最高法院的裁决通过了一项“强制令”,要求新兴的有线电视运营商在其所提供的频道中必须包括给定市场中所有的无线电视台,帕克森的投资获得了回报。强制令大大增加了他刚刚买来的本该一文不值的无线电台的价值。之后,他成功地用这些收购来的电视台创建了 PAX TV 电视网,并以此来对抗电视上被他称为“道德大粪”的不良节目。他保证 Pax(罗马语的“和平”)不会播放无端的性行为,暴力或污秽语言。“我希望它用比喻和讲故事,正如耶稣所做的” 。
Gunnar Olson is a Swedish entrepreneur and founder of the International Christian Chamber of Commerce. He is the owner and Chairman of Alfapac, a high-tech plastic film manufacturing company. He often teaches about ‘a release under the Lordship of Christ and actively believes that a business, reconciled to Christ, has a place in the Kingdom of God, making the Kingdom manifest ‘through spirit, by faith.’
詹纳·奥尔森(Gunnar Olson)是个瑞典企业家,也是国际基督教商会的创始人。他是高科技塑料薄膜制造公司 Alfapac 的所有人和董事长。他经常教导“在基督王权下的释放”,并坚信一个与基督和好的生意在神国占有一席之地,可以“通过圣灵凭着信心”彰显神的国。
He tells of a wonderful example. His company was coming to the end of a significant production run and had produced several million pounds of silage bags that were ready for shipment. Just a few days before they were due to be shipped, the production manager came to Gunnar looking troubled. ‘I think we’ve come to the end of the road at Alfapac,’ he said. It turned out that all of the bags were faulty. The fault had not been identified during production and over one thousand pallets of stock, ready to be shipped, could not be used. The business was facing bankruptcy. This is how Gunnar responded; ‘I assembled the family and shared the news. Then we decided how we would deal with the problem in prayer. We would simply present the situation to the Lord and then listen to the Holy Spirit because we had given the company to Him. While they were praying a man rang and said, ”I don’t know what’s going on, but I have a word for you. You must speak to the invisible.” That word of encouragement was enough. Our faith was sealed.’ It is worth quoting what they did next in full, from his excellent book, Business Unlimited.
他讲述了一个很好的例子。他的公司即将完成一个重要的生产流程,已生产出几百万磅的青贮袋准备装运。就在即将装运的前几天,生产经理忧心忡忡地来见詹纳。他说:“我想 Alfapac 要完蛋了。”原来所有的青贮袋都有问题。这些问题在生产过程中未被及时发现,导致已经准备装运的上千货盘青贮袋都不能用。企业面临破产。詹纳是这样回应的:“我召集了家人,告诉他们这个消息。然后我们讨论如何用祷告来处理这个问题。我们决定只是将情况告诉主,然后听圣灵的带领,因为我们已经将公司交托给祂了。就在我们祷告的时候,一个人按门铃进来说:‘我不知道发生了什么,但我有话对你们说:你们必须对看不见的那位诉说。’有了这鼓励的话语就足够了,我们的信仰已被封印。”在这里完整引述詹纳优秀的著作《无限的商业》中讲述他们接下来所做的一切是值得的。
‘He had told me the bad news on Friday, and the first opportunity we had to visit the factory and see all the pallets were on Sunday evening. Driving out, we agreed that we would not allow even the tiniest piece of sealed plastic to remain after we had prayed. As we stood holding hands in the yard, I was glad I hadn’t seen all the pallets before. They were everywhere! To the natural eye, it was overwhelming. For a while, we stood and praised the Lord for his faithfulness and mercy. Then I yelled at the top of my voice, “Listen heaven and earth! Who is the Lord over Alfapac? His name is Jesus! In the name of Jesus, I commanded all those plastic molecules to come back into line!”
“他是在星期五告诉我这个坏消息的,直到周日晚上我们才有机会去工厂察看那些货盘。开车去的时候,我们决定祷告祈求神连最微小的不能用的密封的塑料都不允许留下。当我们站在院子里牵着手时,我庆幸以前没有看到过所有这些货盘。它们到处都是!从人眼看来,它们实在太多了。我们站着用了一些时间赞美主的信实和怜悯。然后我用尽全力大声喊到:‘ 天啊地啊,请听!谁是 Alfapac 的主?祂的名字是耶稣!我奉耶稣的名,命令所有这些塑料分子恢复原来的样子!’
Praying in tongues, we laid hands on each pallet and after three hours we had finished. We went home. The job was done. On Monday morning, my brother ordered the whole factory staff to open all the boxes and check their content. To the glory of God, no bag was sealed! What a mighty God we serve! This is the glory
element that becomes visible as we submit every aspect of our lives to Him. There is a joy which carries us through as we work with him, and He is excellent in everything He does. That is the difference between a secular business and one that is given over to the Lord. His glory and His life is manifest in the workplace.’
The examples of Paxson and Gunnar illustrate how it is possible to lead a modern business in both the peace and the power of the Holy Spirit.
How were their businesses led by the Spirit?
Reflection 反 思
Do you prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to guide your business decisions? Do you act in the power of the Holy Spirit at work?
These business leaders made their business their ministry. We hope their testimony inspires you to do likewise.
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Reflection 反 思
Take a moment to reflect on your approach to business. Which area, if any, do you emphasize?
What practical steps might you take to achieve a spiritual balance in your business? If time permits, consider the
significance of 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 and Ephesians 4:11-13.
你可以采取哪些实际的做法在你的商业经营中达到属灵的平衡?如果时间允许,思考哥林多前书 12:12-14 和以弗所书 4:11-13的意义。
We must strive to ensure that our businessis a complete ministry.
圣灵、神的话 行为、事工
Close the session with a short time of prayer. Ask God to help you live out a complete ministry in and through your business.