12.1 磐石为我开

12.1 磐石为我…

永久磐石为我开,让我藏身在祢怀; 让祢所流血与水,

两面医治我的罪: 使我得救能脱离,罪的刑罚与能力。

纵我双手不罢休,不能满足祢要求; 纵我眼泪永远流,

纵我热心能持久, 这些不足赎愆尤,必须祢来施拯救。

空空两手无代价,单单投靠祢十架! 赤身就祢求衣衫;

无助望祢赐恩典; 污秽飞奔祢泉旁,主阿洗我否则亡。

当我此生年日逝,当我临终闭目时, 当我飞进永世间,

当我到祢宝座前, 永久磐石为我开,让我藏身在祢怀。

奉主颂赞荣耀神! 阿们 !


Deathless Principle Arise

1.Deathless principle arise;
Soar thou native of the skies,
Pearl of price by Jesus bought,
To His glorious likeness wrought,
Go to shine before His throne;
Deck His mediatorial crown;
Go,His triumphs to adorn;
Made for God,to God return.
2.Lo,he beckons from on high!
Fearless to His presence fly:
Thine the merit of His Blood;
Thine the righteousness of God.
Angles,joyful to attend,
Hov’ring,round Thy pillow bend;
Wait to catch the signal giv’n,
And escort Thee quick to heav’n
3.Is thy earthly house distrest?
Willing to retain her Guest?
’Tis not Thou,but she,must die;
Fly,celestial Tenant,fly.
Burst Thy Shackles,drop Thy Clay,
Sweetly breathe Thyself away,
Singing,to Thy Crown remove;
Swift of wing,and fir’d with Love.
4.Shudder not to pass the stream;
Venture all Thy Care on him;
Him,whose dying Love and Pow’r
Still’d its tossing,hush’d its roar.
Safe is th’expanded wave;
Gentle as a summer’s eve;
Not one object of His care
Ever suffer’d shipwreck there.
5 See the heaven full in view;
Love divine shall bear Thee through!
Trust to that propitious gale;
Weigh Thy anchor,spread Thy sail.
Saints in glory prefect made,
Wait Thy passage through the shade;
Ardent for Thy coming o’er,
See,they throng the blissful shore;
6 Mount,their transports to improve;
Join the longing choir above;
Swiftly to their wish be given;
Kindle higher Joy in heaven.
Such the prospects that arise
To the dying Christian’s Eyes,
Such the glorious vista Faith
Opens through the shades of Death!

(A Debtor to Mercy Alone)

1.A debtor to mercy alone,
Of covenant mercy I sing,
Nor fear,with God’s righteousness on,
My person and offerings to bring.
The terrors of law and of God
With me can have nothing to do;
My Savior’s obedience and blood
Hide all my transgressions from view.
2.The work which His goodness began,
The arm of His strength will complete;
His promise is yea and amen,
And never was forfeited yet.
Things future,nor things that are now,
Not all things below or above,
Can make Him His purpose forego,
Or sever my soul from His love.
3.My name from the palms of His hands
Eternity will not erase;
Imprest on His heart,it remains
In marks of indelible grace,
Yes!I to the end shall endure,
As sure as the earnest is giv’n;
More happy,but not more secure,
When all earthly ties have been riv’n
